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Author Topic: On cleaning your ball before a shot...  (Read 888 times)


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On cleaning your ball before a shot...
« on: January 17, 2004, 08:13:55 AM »
Hi, I have big doubts about using a towel after each shot on league, I don't know if its better to leave the ball so it will adapt to the lanes or if I should use my towel and get of all the oil that gets on the ball... What are your thoughts and technical comments on that???
Gendou Ikari... Bowl to Win!!!
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Re: On cleaning your ball before a shot...
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2004, 11:27:17 PM »
I always towel my ball off before each shot because it is part of my pre-shot routine. I also track beside my fingers and if I don't wipe the ball off I get oil on my finger.


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Re: On cleaning your ball before a shot...
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2004, 05:51:32 AM »
Hi, I have big doubts about using a towel after each shot on league, I don't know if its better to leave the ball so it will adapt to the lanes or if I should use my towel and get of all the oil that gets on the ball... What are your thoughts and technical comments on that???

"Letting it adapt to the lanes" is not phrase with which I am familiar.
Exactly how does a ball adapts to the lanes and how does letting it absorb the oil on the surface permits the ball to "adapt"?
I have never heard this philosophy before.

Please clarify.

Except for Dyno-Thane's Soaker coverstocks, oil absorption by all resin and particle bowling balls is one of the major causes of ball performance degradation. Besides, if for no other reason than to prevent the lane oil from getting all over your hands and clothes, one should always wipe off a ball as soon as you pick it up. BUT reducing the ball's oil absorption is the major reason. The duller the ball the sooner and more assiduously one should wipe the ball.
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Re: On cleaning your ball before a shot...
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2004, 05:57:05 PM »
If I may add something;

"One of the" purposes that ball flares inches, is to maintain to contact between the clean surface part of the ball with the lane surface every time it turns during its travel down.
If you do not towel the oil, ball will not benefit from its coverstock. Yes, you can't clean it well enough by wiping off, but at least one should clean the excess amount of oil on the track.
Besides, most of the times it is part of the pro-shot routine and helps you to focus better.


Edited on 1/18/2004 6:54 PM

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Re: On cleaning your ball before a shot...
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2004, 08:53:29 PM »
Thanks, I will then keep on cleaning my ball after each shot, sometimes you hear very dumb stuff fron other fellow bowlers!!! (That's for charlest who asked about that of ADAPTING TO THE LANE, I heard it from a fellow league bowler)
Gendou Ikari... Bowl to Win!!!
Smarter than the average Bear!!!