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Author Topic: first night of league(it WAS a fun league)  (Read 671 times)


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first night of league(it WAS a fun league)
« on: September 01, 2004, 07:00:27 PM »
this passed 40 to 38 people(100% handicap)

is it good to incorperate 100% handicap of 210 if it causes two full teams to leave(5 person mixed teams)??? it ever good to lose teams in a league(other than due to disciplinary actions)?

mind you this league does not really have a big prize fund or even a trophy at the end of the season

btw my team only gains from this rule change since we'll be middle of the road(avg wise) but have three improving bowlers with the BEST bowler of the league(not just average but skill).

there's nothing the secretary can do now...he should have said "if you dont like it you can leave(it was 90%) and only "possibly" lost the one team instead of two....oh well

we'll see how many teams show up next week....just another instance of the "everybody needs a chance, even if they dont try to get better" mentality.
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Re: first night of league(it WAS a fun league)
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2004, 07:00:16 AM »
we'll see how many teams show up next week....just another instance of the "everybody needs a chance, even if they dont try to get better" mentality.

Why should anyone try to get better when handicrap leagues level the playing field in the first place?  For a lot of people, it's a social night out with the gang.  I often wondered why these people who didn't really care how they bowled just didn't go to a bar and drink all night without having to lug around that heavy ball week after week
White Dot
It's not the arrow, it's the Indian.