INFO: Avg. 220+ on (2) 1st shifts & 210+ on (2) 2nd shifts. All bowled in same 1yr old Synthetic Lane House on differing amounts of light to medium oil w/ EASY THS layouts (no self-deception here about actual bowling abilities).
I start w/ my Icon2 (label leverage..) in the 12-8 board area at the arrows w/ a slight angle out to my breakpoint of 9-6 or so. If the Icon2 is leaving weak tens I switch to the Messenger BSP for more length and angle to carry.
PROBLEM: While I am able to make the minor (hand position, feet &/or mark position, change balls and then revs to a lesser extent) adjustments needed during the 1st shift to adjust for pattern transitions during the set, I have a much more difficult time making adjustments to the more 'blotchy'/major transitions that occur during the 2nd shifts.
SOLUTION Needed: While more 2nd shift play (I'm in my 2nd year of 2nd shift exposure) will probably help, I am wondering if two or so additional balls might not help me a little more quickly until added experience can kick in. (Besides, I'm almost 50 years old and not learning as fast as I used to...)
I have been tinkering with the idea of getting a Full Throttle/Throttle-R or Ultimate Inferno/Blazing Inferno two-ball combination drilled (help needed here) to enable me to counter what I perceive as 2nd shift carrydown/burnt heads/sloppy midlanes.
Or, I could be way off base here.
As you can see, any and all assistance will be appreciated!!!
Note: I have been reading this board ever since I returned to bowling almost two years ago. Everything I know about this game I have learned from here.
Thanks All...