An interesting thing happened to me the other day. I was practicing my spares before league started. A guy with his young kids was practicing on the lane next to me. We shot the breeze a little while bowling and he asked if he could make an observation about my bowling. I said sure. He said I was decelerating on my downswing when shooting a spare but I looked pretty good shooting my strike ball. I said thanks and told him that could be why I was having trouble hitting my marks on spares. I tried accelerating a little when the ball was at the bottom of the downswing and started nailing my marks. I tried this on the strike shot and the ball seemed more lively coming off the breakpoint. The only thing I can figure out is that I was trying to steer the ball on my spares instead of just throwing it like my strike ball. It sure feels alot better throwing the ball since I've made an effort to add a little acceleration at the bottom of the downswing. So, anybody that hits their marks pretty good on the strike ball but has trouble hitting them on the spare ball, try a little acceleration at the bottom of the downswing. It sure helped me a ton.
So many questions, so little time but I''m having fun.