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Author Topic: first time ever in this situation  (Read 1443 times)

Game In a BoxLC

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first time ever in this situation
« on: February 12, 2004, 06:59:47 PM »
our anchor man on thursday couldn't make it and im the high average on the team so they stick me anchor.

First game i'm goin ok, its a close match and i look up. we are down exactly 59 pins and i'm riding a 4 bagger.

I need to flush out 3 shots to win by one pin. I've bowled anchor before but ive never actually had to do this to win its pretty nerve racking lol.

i came thru and did it thankfully and i was just asking/posing the question. what is the most pressure you remember throwing the ball for, whether it be a league or tournament win, or a huge pot game, what one sticks out in your mind the most that you remember your knees knockin.
I'm left handed and i've got a ball and a wall.

The forum whore formerly known as leftycrank300/JasonBogeyLC



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Re: first time ever in this situation
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2004, 10:10:18 AM »
Welcome to the land of anchor bowling.  It can be a lot of fun.  Personally I like to anchor and enjoy those situations.  The most pressure I have thrown under was 1 ball for $1000 in a match point league.(I struck!)  There have been long team tournaments but that's drug out over hours.  

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Re: first time ever in this situation
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2004, 11:05:54 AM »
Yeppurs...that anchor spot can be fun

However, the most nervous I can recall on the approach was the 10th frame of my first game in a PWBA-SW regional event- front 9 and then someone mentioned it to me that I had the front 9 and was asking if I had ever shot 300.  Until then, I hadn't thought about it...but it would have been nice for the first one to be in competition.  At least I got the strike on the fill ball to shoot the 279...DOH!


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Re: first time ever in this situation
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2004, 11:22:32 AM »
I think I've placed more pressure on the team outcome than my personal outcome..

I remember last year needing a mark in the 10th to win by one pin and take all points.....pocket, 10 pin............GOT it for the win....

but wow, it was as if the world stood still.............good shot....and.....STONE 10.....THAT'S when the heart started pumping !
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Re: first time ever in this situation
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2004, 12:23:55 PM »
Michelle - LOL - just a spectator being curious???

Don't you love it!

The most pressure I felt was on the 9th frame of the first 300 I ever had. I had thrown the front 8 at least a dozen times that season, and was stopped in the 9th by various and sundry things. The night I got the 9th, I knew it was in the bag.

The most NERVES I ever felt was the first time I bowled on TV. It was the collegiate nationals finals, and our team was in the title match. Baker format (first time it had ever been used). I got up, yanked the shot, left a 3-10. Yanked the spare shot, got the 3 only.

The most exhilirating pressure I have felt recently was in the Ritger clinic about a year ago. There were about 20 people in the class, and one got picked (randomly) to bowl against Kelly Kulick. Well, I got picked. The pressure was on me to keep my cool and make the best shots I could make. I think I did well. I was even with her until the last shot - I left a 2-4-5 for a 7 count, she beat me with a 9 count.
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Re: first time ever in this situation
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2004, 03:31:49 PM »
Michelle - LOL - just a spectator being curious???

Don't you love it!

yeah, unfortunately that was it...its the price to pay for being sociable I guess


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Re: first time ever in this situation
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2004, 03:43:04 PM »
I don't get nervous, really.  There are times I want to strike or finish something out pretty badly, but nerves don't really enter into it.  I get nervous watching other people though, lol.  I think the last thing I needed to strike out for was a couple weeks ago.  The boss shot 225, my buddy shot 300, and I was going for 279 if I strike out.  Also, that gives us 804.  I'm anchor, and had to have the 3 in the tenth.  Got them all, no sweat.  I like being anchor though.  If I need to strike out, I know I can do it, and most of the time I get it done.  I don't like being leadoff or somewhere in the middle, can't explain why though.
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Re: first time ever in this situation
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2004, 03:46:36 PM »
what is the most pressure you remember throwing the ball for, whether it be a league or tournament win, or a huge pot game, what one sticks out in your mind the most that you remember your knees knockin'.

The 12th shot for a 300 and the entire house stopped.  80 lane courtesy was kinda weird
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Re: first time ever in this situation
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2004, 06:04:23 PM »
How about having to make a 10 pin to beat 5 old guys that you're giving 200 pins to?

High average doesn't make a good anchor.  I know 3 guys on one team with 210+ that are the biggest choke artists you'll ever meet.

The guy I want bowling anchor is the same guy I'd hand the ball to with guys on 2nd and 3rd with one out in the ninth, up by one run, AND HE WANTS THE BALL.