I stopped bowling handicap tournaments ages ago, and will avoid any competition on a house shot, so no I don't have it easy, but thanks for thinking about me

Flatter patterns are generally perceived to be reverse blocks, most centers don't have the proper equipment to put down PBA patterns, and you absolutely must send me a link to your state organization's pattern graph for the state tournament last year. At least, I would hope any state organization forward-looking enough and working hard towards the integrity of the sport would advertise the pattern graph on a web site as the USBC does for the national events.
Understand that I'm speaking in general. The vast majority of city and state organizations don't expend the effort to create a challenging scoring environment. They just take whatever the house puts down. City and State Master events may, but few bowlers participate in the masters events.
Maybe that's a good way to phrase the original question. How many bowlers take a different arsenal to their state's masters event versus league night?
J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson - "Better than Jello" -
Kill the back rowEdited on 11/25/2008 9:20 AM