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Author Topic: Interesting "problem"  (Read 564 times)


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Interesting "problem"
« on: February 26, 2005, 06:30:51 AM »
After getting my rant out and acting like a baby in my other thread I made this morning, i just thought of something VERY interesting.  I am more accurate when i throw it "harder".  By harder, i mean my normal spare shot speed, which is about 19.  I try to have a free armswing and stuff, but notice that if i don't have a lot of arm momentum (fast swing), my hand will just stay in the ball and it will loft and look all horrible.  But my spare shot comes off so smoothly, and i hit my targets VERY well.  I think the reason is that since my swing is going faster, i have less time to do something stupid and twist my arm or do some dumb thing like that.  Yes, now that i think about it it's true.  The spares i make are all thrown 19 or above....Spares thrown with my version of a "free" armswing (like 17 or whatever) tend to be pulled.  Now, I'm trying to think of how this would work for my strike game.  If you read the other post, you saw that (i'm cooled off now, and still actually mean it) that in my current house, it literally benefits those who fluff the ball (like 12mph, 200rpm), and the fast people who get revs.  I'm in the middle.  But now that i think about it, if i learned to get enough wrist action going on (aka get revs) to be able to hook it enough at the spare shot speed, then i could have something going on, since my accuracy would be up.  Heck, i don't care if i have to play up 5 as long i stop shooting crap playing from 35-2 and hoping it doesn't go high.  The only problem i see is not having enough revs.  But if i teach myself to have good rev mechanics that shouldn't be a problem, considering my no thumb shot is LOADED with revs.  IF nick had 520rpm or so before, this means i probably have 600 no thumb.  So i have the power, its just a matter of having the right mechanics without screwing up my arm.

What do you think?  First off am i just crazy for saying that i'm more accurate at higher speeds, or is this actually possible?  ALso, give me feeback on my proposed idea.  Am i a pyscho with an odd thinking pattern?  Pretty much it's this, or going no thumb.  Or just staying the way i am and shooting low scores.  But i'd rather not do that.
- Andy



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Re: Interesting "problem"
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2005, 02:47:45 PM »
That's what i was thinking, only the only problem is, i'd have to teach  myself a completely new style.  THOUGH, i'll have to do that anyways....

I'm just worried that i won't be able to get enough revs for the high speed to hook it at all.  Not physically i mean, that's easy, i just don't know if i can teach myself.
- Andy

Edited on 2/26/2005 3:45 PM


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Re: Interesting "problem"
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2005, 10:45:25 PM »
This is going to sound odd....

Stay away from NOTHUMB. Just my 2 cents. I wont go into all the reasons why---just stay away. Figure if you could figure out how to score on a shot that "has your number" to this point---how much of an accomplishment would that be. Why change your game so drastically and then possibly leaving yourself to wonder at times---which shot would be better???

Also, throwing NOTHUMB. I did it for 4 years before I had a cyst removed from my wrist (non bowling related). Then had tendonitis on and off for 5 months the next year. Ive altered my game to be smoothed out and have less violence upon release but injuries and NOTHUMB (especially throwing the ball incorrectly) go hand in hand. 3 scratch bowlers in this area have thrown without a thumb...
Another guy who has torn ligaments in his wrist
Another guy who stopped bowling right handed because of hand and wrist problems

All of us were consistently over the 220 average mark...Im the only 1 left. If you dont do it right---youll mess yourself up even more and want to kick your own butt.
Only Losers Feel Pressure
Chris Green
Bowler ID# 2039-6328