A while back a user posted how they thought bowling could be fixed. For the past few months I have thought of the same thing since my hometown has major issues. Not with leagues mind you but with their association.
1. President of association changes time of yearly allstar tournamet and doesnt tell anyone. Turn out drops by 65 percent from the previous year.
2. In states a rule that bans any bowlers from participating in scratch tournaments if you make over 3k a year. (I have isse with this one since it banned a young man from tournaments).
3. Complains that the area has a very poor turnout. Yet the center never announces a single tournament except an inhouse one. No entry forms etc.
So my belief in fixing bowling is kick out the old gaurd that has been holding back bowling for years. I am tired of seeing rules where it bans competition for the sake of allowing old people to feel better about themselves. I am tired of seeing corp run centers never announce a tournament and kill bowling. Finally, I think all rules should be moved under USBC... PERIOD... This way you can do away with local associations and simply focus on bowling. Get rid of the people who cause the empasses or don't promote the sport.
Any other ideas out there?