Bowled it a couple times in a PBA experience league. For me, it seemed like the easiest pattern once you got it broken down, and it wasn't necessarily difficult before that. Then again, I've heard that it takes running a few lanes for the house shot program to truly get worked out of the lane machine, and the track at every house is different. There are too many variables for me to give a definitive opinion, but at least if I can count on consistency of all the patterns being "off" about the same amount, whether easier or more difficult, the TOC pattern was still for me the easiest. Longer pattern of course than Shark, but the volume of oil I don't believe is as high. I didn't think it really felt like 50 feet long either, the ball didn't go as long as I was expecting it to. You could definitely have some over/under issues if you tried to play too straight or too firm or both, unless you were playing right off the ditch. I found the best shot for me was around 4th arrow. The wet/dry line isn't sharp, and doesn't seem very defined. If you miss left, the ball gradually hooks too much, if you miss right, the ball doesn't quite make it back. Definitely not a shot to get firm on, staying soft and loose worked the best for me, just nice and easy. Can't remember much more than that, it's been several years, and I don't believe I bowled on it more than twice.
"...if your half Chinese, I'm half black. I'm your brother and I'm fly, you down with that snoopy? That's dope isn't it?..."