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Author Topic: Been working on my game...  (Read 425 times)


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Been working on my game...
« on: February 17, 2009, 02:55:15 AM »
I have been working on my game quite a bit lately and made some dramatic changes that have helped.

First I went to a 6-step approach for about 3 weeks because I realized it helped to free up my swing. I quickly found it made it more difficult to keep my timing down from night to night. So I figured it served its purpose by freeing up my arm swing and went back to 5-step. I moved up about 2 feet though from where I was before with my 5-step in order to keep me from rushing to the line. My arm swing is still much more free than it originally was. I just find if I get too free with it, because I don't have a high backswing, it causes my ball speed to be way too slow for my rev rate. SO I try to stay firm but not to muscle it and find that works well.

Next big thing I found I need to work on was to stay down at the line as I have a tendency to pop up when releasing the ball. This I know what I need to work on so I have to just keep practicing.

Then last time out practicing I decided I needed to look a little more at my timing. I think my biggest problem here is with my pushaway. Not that I start too early or late but that I don't have consistency with the pushaway. I feel myself sometimes not pushing the ball far enough away from my body causing early timing. Sometimes I am lifting the ball higher during my pushway causing late timing, or causing me to rush and getting early timing. When my pushaway is right everything feels so good off my hand, just can't find that consistency. I was wondering any advice that I might be able to get on this subject. Like what kind of drills/what other things can I look at to help gain that consistency??