Hello Everyone,
We are trying to put a league together for this summer on some harder patterns in our local house, which never did a league like this before. We have tried but havent had much interest from the adult, although a lot of people from the youth program are interested. So we are thinking about doing a Youth/Adult singles league or even doubles. But seeing that we havent ran a league like this before, we arent sure how to run it. If money were involved in the league payouts etc. Would the money be able to be turned into scholarship money and put into the kids'' SMART program?
Has anyone ever ran a league like this before? If so, could you please explain how it was run and how everything worked within the league. Also how it worked out at the end of the year.
Thank You for the help in advance.
http://ebonite.com/BOWL TO WIN!
Edited on 2/21/2010 10:34 AM