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Author Topic: Ever had one of those night?  (Read 1626 times)


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Ever had one of those night?
« on: January 26, 2009, 11:33:35 PM »
I had a hell of a night in my league last night.  Got lined up early with my Thunderstruck Solid (later had to switch to my Hy-Road) and was throwing the ball really well.  First night in a while that I felt like I really threw 3 good games without timing issues, grabbing at the ball or spare shooting problems.

Only problem was, that despite the fact that I was in the pocket all night, I only shot 618.  I felt like I made good shots all night long but for the life of me couldn't care.  It wasn't the 10 pin either, since I only left one of those all night long.  Left a bunch of 8 and 9 pins, 2 pocket 7-10s and a 4-10 in the 9th frame of the last game that completely killed that game and cost me probably 40 pins.  That last split I think pissed me off the most because I hit the pocket well and heard a broken pin somewhere in the rack.

Ever had one of those nights where you throw the ball well, are in the pocket all night and yet shoot a score thats 50-100 pins less than you feel like you shot?
University at Albany 2007
    -Let''s Go Danes-

ROTO GRIP - King of Them All
STORM - The Bowlers Company


Dan Belcher

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Re: Ever had one of those night?
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2009, 07:43:50 AM »
I had about a three or four week stretch where I felt like that.  Lots of stone 7s and stone 9s if I tried to hit high flush, ringing 10s if I tried to hit a little lighter, and an unusually high number of stone 8s mixed in between.  (I had one game where I left THREE high flush 7s in one game.  Ouch!)  Mostly I was fighting through nasty, unpredictable lanes thanks to lots of open bowling during the Christmas break trashing the lanes, but even on fresh lanes I still was leaving stone 8s and so forth.  (The ONLY night during this stretch that I bowled really well?  I struggled through the first game for a 190, but then our lanes broke!  The pair we moved to actually had fresh backends for the first time in ages and I went 247-290.  )

I finally discovered my solution was to slow down a little.  I made my pushaway slightly less pronounced to get the ball lower in my backswing, which improved my accuracy but also dropped my ball speed about half a mph.  My carry improved quite a bit once I did this since I was getting the ball to face up to the pocket a little sooner.

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Re: Ever had one of those night?
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2009, 08:27:12 AM »
I've had those nights as well.if everyone else on my pair is struggling then I don't feel bad if I grind out a respectable series.if the scoring pace is high then I do feel bad and think about it the whole week.

for me,I've found that one special ball that is very easy for me to get out of trouble with.a very nice benchmark ball that is not to strong,not to weak,have alot of confidence in,a good go to ball.I won't go into what or why but every bowler should know what I'm talking about and have one in their bag.
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Re: Ever had one of those night?
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2009, 08:35:27 AM »
I can relate, had the same thing last thursday night. Its frustrating but it happens, I just chalk it up as one of those nights.

Oh, also, a little off topic, is your Thunderstruck Solid stronger than your Hy-Road? My Hy-Road is much stronger and is much sharper on the backend, and I was just curious what you have seen out of them.
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Re: Ever had one of those night?
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2009, 08:40:40 AM »
Hmmmm.....let's see.....about 15 hours or so ago!!

One of the guys on the other team and I were talking about this exact thing as we both shot more than well to score big......but couldn't carry worth anything.

For the night, I did leave a couple of splits, though outside of that I left 6 9 pins for the night and 2 8 pins!

Sad thing is....I changed lines and balls during the night to try and give me a better scoring chance.  Just didn't happen!!
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Re: Ever had one of those night?
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2009, 08:45:10 AM »
1time in league i crushed the pocket all 36 times
i mean every shot was like flush
and walked away with a 636
everyone knows me as the guy with the worst carry


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Re: Ever had one of those night?
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2009, 09:18:44 AM »
I shot 590 something a couple of weeks ago. Had 3 opens. 2 splits and a whiffed ten pin. Was throwing the ball exceptional all night long..just no love...


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Re: Ever had one of those night?
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2009, 09:24:36 AM »
yep just last night, I shoot 604 was in the pocket all evening, could not trip the 10 and if i did trip the ten i left the 7, whilest the guy i am bowling against is all over the head pin and dropped splits late in at least 8 frames to shoot 705

oh well guess its the way the pins fall


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Re: Ever had one of those night?
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2009, 09:35:36 AM »
I can relate, had the same thing last thursday night. Its frustrating but it happens, I just chalk it up as one of those nights.

Oh, also, a little off topic, is your Thunderstruck Solid stronger than your Hy-Road? My Hy-Road is much stronger and is much sharper on the backend, and I was just curious what you have seen out of them.

With the surfaces I have the balls at, I can see quite a difference.  I keep the Thunderstruck at 1000 matte and the Hy-Road at 320 polish.  The Thunderstruck is very smooth and can help me on the fresher conditions getting a smooth consistant look at the pocket.

When the heads start to go away a little bit the Hy-Road allows me to stay in basically the same spot, get a little push down the lane and still smooth out the break point.  I think they compliment eachother very well.  I would say the Thunderstruck is a bit stronger, but that is for me and I do have kind of a low track.
University at Albany 2007
    -Let's Go Danes-

ROTO GRIP - King of Them All
STORM - The Bowlers Company


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Re: Ever had one of those night?
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2009, 05:58:21 PM »
Last Thursday, 32 of 33 shots in the pocket. Shot 603. Had 2 stone 8s & also had 2 pocket 7-10 splits, all on the same lane. Something just wasn't right with the left lane as there were also 2 other pocket 7-10 splits on that lane.
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Re: Ever had one of those night?
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2009, 09:03:49 AM »
Just a couple weeks ago I shot 215 (clean) 200 (1 open) 226 (1 open).  The clean game I think I had 3 strikes, everything else was a 9 count.  Those are just the breaks sometimes.  Just like you can throw the ball horrible and end up shooting 700.
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Re: Ever had one of those night?
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2009, 09:06:15 AM »
Every once and a while, but then they get offset by the night where you feel like you're bowling terribly and shoot 670+.
