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Author Topic: FloBowling videos  (Read 2463 times)


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FloBowling videos
« on: November 14, 2018, 10:17:02 AM »
Just watched the 2018 Bear and Wolf stepladder finals on youtube last night.  It looks like they were done by Flo Bowling.  I just checked out the webpage for Flo Bowling and it says, "Join PRO Now and Get Unlimited Access to the Best Bowling Content on the Planet."  To be bluntly honest, Flo Bowling videos and coverage of the Bear and Wolf finals sucked!!!  Everything about it sucked. The editing, camera angles, sound quality, commentating, interviews, sucked big time.  You get a long range view for a crucial shot and you can't really see how the ball went thru the pins and left what it did.  Then they go to a close up replay and right before the ball gets to the pin-deck, they switch the camera to the next bowler.  WTF!!! Imagine if that happened during a major football, baseball, basketball game.  To top it off, one commentator looked like he just rolled out of bed from a bad hangover wearing a horrible suit and tie that did not come close to fitting.

The shot making and competition was great and that's what I wanted to watch.  The match between Tackett and Prather was great.  Tie at 245 with a 1 ball roll off.  I can't wait for Fox Sports to take over and hopefully their coverage will grow our beloved sport.  Because that ain't gonna happen if the only thing the masses have to watch is Flo Bowling videos. 
« Last Edit: November 14, 2018, 10:27:37 AM by rocky61201 »
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Re: FloBowling videos
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2018, 02:17:21 PM »
Yea, damn shame you have to watch those awful videos.........
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