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Author Topic: Florida Get Together  (Read 941 times)


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Florida Get Together
« on: December 28, 2003, 05:54:29 AM »
Met another great group of guys today.  Of course I stunk the place up as usual.  Still looking for those low average bowlers that are supposed to frequent this website.  I should have been taking lessons instead of trying to bowl.

This trip started off with me meeting Trimman.  He's only been back to bowling about a year but is the real deal.  Strong mechanics, just trying to get the feel of this new equipment.

Leftside FINALLY showed up for something.  Course, it would have been hard for him to duck something he set up.  Great bowler, even for a lefty.  His home house is sponsoring him in the TAC in Vegas, I expect him to do well.

Kendog made the trip down from Ohio.  If we could get Axewelder, Card79, Kendog, Livespive & Toasty73 together at the same time, would be a hell of a start on a new motorcycle gang.

Toasty73, wow,  I can remember Eugene McCune throw rockets at the 10 pin but he doesn't hold a candle to this guy.  I swear it must be 30 MPH.  Just punishes those pins for failing to fall the first time.  I saw him hit a 7 pin once that made a 3 rail bank shot off of the sweep.  Just awesome power.

Allstar is just that, great youngman with a natural ability.  Couple that with him also being a lefty and its a name we'll be hearing about in the future.

Strider, well what can you say.  He had the rabbits foot going today.  I would be hard presssed to say who was the best.

Bottom line, met a great group of bowlers had an enjoyable time, found another area to come visit.

Thanks guys, hope to see all of you again soon.

~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

Old bowlers never die, we just don't score as often
Have Balls - Will Travel

RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones



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Re: Florida Get Together
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2003, 08:42:32 PM »
Made it home about 1am last night.

Good to meet some new people and see SrK again.

Here's a interesting difference in the arsenals brought:  SrKegler had a 10 ball (12? 26?) tower of Buzzsaw's (in the anchor configuration ), Toasty73 had a Blue Hit, a Red Hit (one of the Hit's drilled very negative), and a Golf Ball.

I'm sorry to say that we did not witness a SrK tap.    Must be a first.  His son came closer than he did.  I'm sure he would have scored higher if he wasn't switching balls every 2-3 frames.  Are you related to Nicanor?

Leftside did not hit a monitor with his backswing, but he did try to throw a ball through the sweep.  Thank goodness Toasty didn't try.  We would have had to chip in for a new sweep.  I guess he figures if he misses, the breeze might still knock the pin over.  Actually, the lane was cycling on it's own, but I like to believe that a lefty doesn't need to look at the lane while he's throwing.

AllStar23 would have shot some big numbers except for some of his artwork spares (same conversion rate on those and his 7 pins).  J/K, solid spare game (for a lefty ).

Kendog threw the ball well, but had a little trouble with over/under.  A little polish on his Blueberry Buzzsaw helped a bunch.  If Ron C helps him as much as he did me, Ken will be shooting big numbers soon.

I knocked down enough pins (good thing I got there early enough to pay a guy in the back to trip the 3 scragglers that should have stood half the time), but I was impressed with the messengers thrown around by the 3 lefties.  Also, the only time a lefty played down the boards was Toasty with his Golf ball.

Too bad Tweener2K and IceEmQuick couldn't make it.  Oh well, more homebrew for me.    Hey Tweener, Tampa is easy to find your way around in; the only u-turn I made was because we went past the strip of restaurants trying to decide.

Had a great time, just wish we would have more time to sit and talk more.  Seemed like everyone had somewhere to get back to.
Penn State Proud


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Re: Florida Get Together
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2003, 11:44:52 AM »
Thanks Sr. Kegler and everyone else who complimented me. Hopefully with leftsides help i can make it somewhere in bowling..I thinks thats my ultimate goal.

I just got finished bowling up at sunrise again last night..Averaged 237 for 8 games i beleive. Shot a 299 in there and a 789..Although it was practice it still gives me the same feeling as im sure in league..I also wanna thank leftside for all the helping n coaching he has done for me while he was here for the trip..He has helped me a lot and i appreciate it.
I am captain consistent..149-173-276!OH YEA BABY!
If for every shot my cherry bomb carried a 7 pin id be rich..But im not..Whats that say?