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Author Topic: Focus on spares  (Read 1068 times)


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Focus on spares
« on: January 07, 2004, 09:05:20 AM »
Tonight I shot 279-280 to start. In the third game fourth frame I stuck at the line and sent one through the nose. I caught a break and left only 3-6. I was mad about sticking an rushed my spare shot. Chopped the 3 off the 6. Ended with 234 for 793. Would have been my second 800 series in three weeks. Not focusing on my spare shot cost me! Remember to FOCUS on every shot!!



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Re: Focus on spares
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2004, 01:17:12 PM »
Spares are key in every aspect of the game. When wanting to reach a 200 average, as I do, one must focus on making ALL of their spares. Too bad you chopped and missed the 800, but great shooting anyway!!

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Re: Focus on spares
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2004, 02:32:23 PM »
Yeah many of us get so worried about striking and dont even think about the spare were shooting for.. then you miss it.. then you realise how easy of a shot it was. But the secret to becoming a pro bowler is never miss a spare(although they do every now and then). And being able to read the patterns and how the lanes are changing. But the spares are most important on my opinion.
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