You always hear a number of opinions on what one should do when faced with conditions that don't necessarily fit the A game one has for their bowling style. I was reading the tips a number of pros and coaches give in the latest issue of BTM and one that struck me as conflicting would be from Mark Estes who stated: "when you are in competition, try not to go too far outside of yourself. What I mean is, let's say you throw the ball straight and that it is a hooking condition and you decide that you want to hook the ball. It is really difficult to do this when it is not your natural game."
My A game is a down and in shot. There have been times when I've been in tournaments where the best carry will be from 25 to 12 at the breakpoint, and that if I stay with my down and in game, I may hit the pocket but not consistently carry due to the angle I'm coming in at versus the wider hook of another bowler.
I guess my query would be: Would you rather work on a style and use modifications based on hand releases, ball speed, equipment changes or do you think it's better to develop a B game (and possibly a C game) if you were to bowl in a number of different leagues/ tournaments through the years?