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Author Topic: For everyone complaining about this site!?!?!?!? PLEASE READ!!!!  (Read 1296 times)


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Is it just me, or are we the ones that make this site exciting, and worth the time to drop in on. Everyone complains about how bad the site has become, but we are the ones who come up with discussions, reviews, and subjects! Just start coming up with something different, unusual, make some waves and excitement here.

I know the technical site problems are frustrating, and there's nothing we can do about those. But WE are the ones that make forum topics, if you are bored with the ones we have, come up with something different.

Sometimes it's hard to get a decent answer from some people if you have a question. I've been here about a year or so, and sometimes I'll get smart azz anwers from people because I'm not a 200 average bowler and I don't know anything. But that's how we learn right, by asking questions?? Don't get me wrong, they're some good info givers here that want to help. Most of us know who the jerks are and you blow their comments off.

But I think that turns alot of people away that are looking for advice and help. This is just my 2 cents on this (site going down hill) theory. But it's up to us to make this worth while, and creative. Also, for those who make suggestions and give advice, just think for a minute before being harsh on those who have a simple question, we've all had that question when we first started, and we didn't want to have a snide remark, just a simple answer.

Take this for what you will, it's what I see...what do you guys think??
Insert clever phrase here.......



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Re: For everyone complaining about this site!?!?!?!? PLEASE READ!!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2004, 09:11:58 PM »
Well, you're pretty much right.  9~ said the same thing too, and so do I.
There is doing in not doing what you weren't doing but doing in what you weren't doing to do what you were doing but not doing and doing as well

So don't do it!


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Re: For everyone complaining about this site!?!?!?!? PLEASE READ!!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2004, 09:13:44 PM »
let's see how you'd feel if you had plenty of messages in your message box that you couldn't access, and then they were all GONE!!! Who's fault is that? NOT THE SITE USERS!!!! I had plenty of very important messages in my mailbox that are now GONE!!!

AKA "the MOD SQUAD" Moderator

Edited on 10/3/2004 9:05 PM


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Re: For everyone complaining about this site!?!?!?!? PLEASE READ!!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2004, 09:18:42 PM »
Good post.

 I've been here about a year or so, and sometimes I'll get smart azz anwers from people because I'm not a 200 average bowler and I don't know anything.

I hope that is not true or at least, not that often.  People sometimes forget that at one time or another, we all started out as novices in this sport.  I just wish that there had been a source like this available at the time I was just starting out, maybe I wouldnt be as messed up as I am now.

I guess now would be a good time to say thanks to all of you who have made positive contributions to this site, regardless of your average or technical knowledge level, and there are too many to single out by name, so ...  


I just want 2C was'zzub.

I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing!"
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.


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Re: For everyone complaining about this site!?!?!?!? PLEASE READ!!!!
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2004, 09:22:06 PM »
Rev- that's what I'm saying, we can't help the technical stuff. I understand I'd be P.O.'d too if my messages were lost. But the other things that we complain about ARE under our control.

MI 2 AZ-We have the power to talk about what we want, review what we want, put our 2 cents in on what we want, we make this site. I've got alot of good advice from alot of peopel here. From layout, to cover prep, bowling in general. Plus, I'd had alot of fun with crazy posts, jokes, GOLF talk, you name it. No matter what I still ask questions, regardless if they will get good and bad comments, if I gotta know something I'm going to ask.
Insert clever phrase here.......

Edited on 10/3/2004 9:15 PM


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Re: For everyone complaining about this site!?!?!?!? PLEASE READ!!!!
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2004, 09:32:27 PM »
I've been here about a year or so, and sometimes I'll get smart azz anwers from people because I'm not a 200 average bowler and I don't know anything.  
Not to mention theres prolly alot of people who are 200 averages on a THS and think their god.
16 years and still going strong! 16 years old that is! The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
And why would I "saw" pins in half, THATS A WASTE OF PINS!


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Re: For everyone complaining about this site!?!?!?!? PLEASE READ!!!!
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2004, 09:34:49 PM »
Amen brother! I know alot of guys here know they're stuff, and that's why I'm not afraid to ask a question, because I know someone will have an answer worth while. But when I first came here, and probably to new ones now, it's frustrating to get smart azz coments instead of good info.
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Re: For everyone complaining about this site!?!?!?!? PLEASE READ!!!!
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2004, 10:04:39 PM »
You're right on Fatboy8.  It's our own fault if topics are not worth discussing anymore...  There are a lot of intelligent people here, there are a lot of opinionated people here.  Am I to believe we are all out of ideas?  Naaah, maybe some are just afraid to post what they think for fear of being rediculed.

I will say this in regard to how it used to be compared to what the site has become.  In the past I saw more tasteful, good-natured ribbing and fun-poking going on between users.  However, at some point people started being mean-spirited.  It became personal, and it wasn't joking.  That's what hurt the site.  We need to remember that to make the community work and grow, we need to be friends.  Understand, there will be differences, and personalities will clash, but we HAVE TO BE CIVIL TO ONE ANOTHER!  


Keep your balls on the lane and your mind in the gutter!
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: For everyone complaining about this site!?!?!?!? PLEASE READ!!!!
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2004, 07:42:35 AM »
Naaah, maybe some are just afraid to post what they think for fear of being rediculed

So true.

In the past I saw more tasteful, good-natured ribbing and fun-poking going on between users. However, at some point people started being mean-spirited. It became personal, and it wasn't joking. That's what hurt the site.

I agree to a point.  9~ Don't you remember plamor being banned a few times?  The point I am making is that since the site no longer has a site owner that will moderate the site that is the reason that the site has gotten ugly.  People get out of hand they need to be brought to task.  



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Re: For everyone complaining about this site!?!?!?!? PLEASE READ!!!!
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2004, 11:31:58 PM »
Insert clever phrase here.......