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Author Topic: For guys using Frames to track bowling data. Could be interesting to compare stats  (Read 1548 times)


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I've been using frames to track my bowling scores since February.  I thought it might be interesting to see how the data compares to one another.  

This data 'dump' is 489 games since this past February.  87 games were on two different house shot leagues in two different centers. The other 402 games were all on PBA patterns or Kegel patterns during tournament play which included USBC  Nationals, BTM, TAT, Mini eliminator, and 42 local tournaments, and 2 summer sport leagues.  

Right handed, 320-360 RPM, PAP 4.5 .75 up, 16.5 to 18 mph

Overall Average    209.3

Strike     55%   3004/5481
Spare      84%   1611/1919
Single Pin 92%   1027/1122  Really thought this would be better
Split      8%     450/5481  Certain patterns this was as high as 12% THS was as low as 5%

Spares.. Weird how your perceptions on your spare shooting ability change when you start tracking your actual results.

Leaves sorted by % left and conversion rate

10 pin 89%     403/455  Most popular leave by far if you struggle on this you can see how that would really hurt your chances of cashing in tournaments
4  pin 93%     147/169
2  pin 96%     153/159  Amazing how many 2 pins you leave on sport patterns...
7  pin 89%     103/116  Same conversion % rate as ten pin... interesting
3-6-10 85%     93/110   Popular leave on sport patterns, wouldn't have thought so
9 pin  96%     77/80  
3-6    91%     71/78   variation on the 3-6-10 sport pattern leave
2-8    80%     60/75   Seems to be a tricky spare for me.. especially at the TAT
3-10   52%     25/48   Ever popular baby split..  Wish I was better than 50/50 on that
1-2-4  66%     31/47   Wouldn't think that one would be so hard.. wtf
7-10    0%     0/47    No conversions this year.. no surprise there really
6 pin  91%     40/44   Don't know how anybody would ever miss this.. I do..
4-6-7   0%      0/44   Leave this as much as the 6 pin.. popular split on sport patterns it would seem
2-10   21%      9/42   3rd most popular spit, least it's a 1/5 shot at conversion
3 pin  98%     40/41   Darn.. missed one.. LOL
4-7    88%     29/33  
8 pin  94%     30/32   thank god not a popular leave.. don't know how I missed two 8's, double whammy I guess
3-6-9-10  53%    16/30  I hate this leave on sport patterns.. lucky to make 50/50 might as well be baby split
1-2    83%    24/29    never leave this on THS, just weird sport patterns, even then not a gimmie to convert.
1-2-4-10  38%    10/26  Regular washout.. think I should convert this more than I do

Couple of other leaves
2-4-10 split   18%     4/22  Feels like I made it more than 4 times..
1-2-4-6-10   22%    5/23   Super washout.. another popular sport shot leave.
4-10        9%    2/22  Least I make it every once in awhile (I'm right handed)
6-7-10      19%   3/16  Twice as easy as the opposite split, lol

If anybody else tracks their stat's might be interesting to compare.  

Edited on 8/26/2009 0:57 AM


No Revs00300

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I have never heard of this, is "frames" an actual product, handheld, computer program or what. Post a link for me to see if you could, as I am very interested in this.


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They have a free demo you can download.  I think the software developer (1 guy, lol) is working on a version for the iPhone eventually.  

It's the same software that Walter Ray uses this software and export the data to his website.  It's not perfect but I always find it interesting to look back on how I played certain patterns and which equipment I was throwing etc.


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I think Frames is terrific! I used it for a couple of years, and will start again this year.

By the way, dursty, I find it extremely interesting that your 7 pin pick-up percentage is exactly the same as your 10 pin percentage. I think if I had tracked my 7 and 10 pin percentage for the last couple of years, mine would be just as bad, or even worse (missing MORE 7 pins than 10 pins).

Perhaps that might be because we practice more on 10 pins and think 7 pins are so easy that we get careless. I think that is my situation.

Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

<font color=red><h4>Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. </h4></font id=red>


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i thought it was just me.
i haven't been doing it for as long as you (and not as complex as you) i only have a few weeks of it i started recently
here's what I've got so far
Spare percentage target   75.00%
Spares shot   89
Spares made   48
Spare percentage   53.93%
Difference   -21.07%
single pin percentage to start   80.00%
Single pin spares   41
single pins made   23
percentage   56.10%
Difference   -23.90%
Multi pin target   70.00%
Multi pin spares   38
Multi pins made   20
percentage   52.63%
Difference   -17.37%
Splits   9
splits made   5
split percentage   55.56%
Strike percentage target   45.00%
Strike shots   131
Strikes    35
Strike percentage   26.72%
Difference   -18.28%

i've only been bowling for a year now so i don't expect these to be too high so *shoulder shrug*
i've been working on spares and i noticed how my split percentage is surprisingly high as i mostly leave baby splits and 3 7 combinations (i am good at those)

Edited on 8/26/2009 8:08 PM

Edited on 9/1/2009 7:57 AM


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As far as the 7 pin vs 10 percentage I would say that 25% of my missed ten pins were due to approaches being more tacky when sliding around 35 to 38 than towards the middle.  I was missing too many 7 pins about 100 games into tracking my stats and I made a couple of revisions on how I was shooting them.  In league often I got lazy and would just move right and bounce the right edge and make them pretty easily (although I still miss too many) and of course you can't do that in tournaments.  In tournaments I was shooting them straight standing 20 to 18/19 but I felt very cramped at that angle and was missing them too frequently on the the flat patterns.  I moved right a few more boards to 18 playing over 19-20 and my percentage moved up to 93-95 range which isn't perfect, but much better than the 85% to 88% I had before.  

When you look at your stats and games in detail you can really see where your spares directly equal money.  You can't always strike and you can't always prevent splits etc but no excuses for chronically missing single pins.  Even in league, regardless of averages, I've never been on a winning team that had somebody on it that couldn't make single pins consistently.  So for bowlers that are trying to get better, you can see from my stats what the most common leaves are once you become consistent at hitting the pocket.

No Revs00300

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So do you download this software to your comp. or phone? Ahhhh, you probably need some sort of palm pilot. Well I could use a recommendation for one of those as well. If someone wants to take the time and e mail me what I should look at to get started that would be much Apprietated.


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I think if you look at the Warily web site it will tell you the operating system needed on a Palm Pilot or other PDA. You can go on ebay and get a perfectly acceptable Palm Pilot for not much money these days.

You do not have to have the latest and greatest hand held device to run Frames. I use a Palm M515 which is probably 4 years old, at least. Works great!

Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

<font color=red><h4>Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. </h4></font id=red>


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I have a Samsung i730 phone which runs windows mobile which is convenient as I don't have to carry a separate device.  You could get a real cheap palm pilot off ebay or craigslist and just keep that in your bag to track your stats.   I'm surprised more people don't know about the Frames software as it's been out for several years now.


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Dursty, Here's a comparison with my Frames data. Interesting similarities and differences. My data is based on 453 games: League THS, Kegel patterns, local tournaments on THS, sport and Kegel patterns, USBC nationals, Arizona and Phoenix Metro USBC, Phoenix Classic Bowlers Association and Arizona Classic Bowlers Association tournaments, and a few PBA patterns mixed. Right-handed, 300 rpm, 17 mph, PAP 4.5" and 0.5" down, 15 lb gross weight equipment, 20 degrees axis tilt...

Overall average: 211.3
Strike: 55% (2803/5063)
Spare: 84% (1498/1794)
Single Pin: 87% (1051/1206)
Split: 7% (346/5063)


10: 77% (414/541)
4: 96% (155/162)
7: 96% (155/161)
3-6-10: 81% (84/104)
9: 91% (78/86)
2: 99% (78/79)
3-6: 81% (64/79)
6-10: 80% (63/79)
3: 98% (61/62)
3-10: 61% (34/56)
6: 96% (52/54)
4-7: 87% (39/45)
2-8: 91% (40/44)
3-6-9-10: 67% (29/43)
8: 92% (36/39)
4-6-7: 0% (0/30)
2-4-5: 73% (19/26)
4-7-10: 9% (2/22)
5: 100% (20/20)
4-6-7-10: 0% (0/19)
2-10: 17% (3/18)
7-10: 0% (0/18)
4-6-7-9-10: 0% (0/18)
2-5: 76% (13/17)
2-4-5-8: 63% (10/16)
2-8-10: 0% (0/16)
3-6-7-10: 33% (5/15)
all others spares combinations were left 13 or fewer times.

Just picking up 90% of my 10 pins would have added 73 more spares and at least 803 more total pins. My average would have been at least 213.1 instead of 211.3. This is one of the good uses of Frame: Identify the low hanging fruit. What one thing can I improve in my game that will help me improve in averages and cashes?

I run Frames on a Palm TX. Good tool!


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is there something like this for home computer.... I dont have a pda or palm pilot/blacberry..  (don't care to have one)..

dont thinke it would be too hard to write stuff down and enter on home computer if there is (reasonably priced that is)


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