I loved the HyRoad, had a bunch of 300's and an 857 with it (small figjam,lol). Also liked the Modern Marvel a little. But then I tried the Nano Pearl and I thought it was junk, for me. I tried Seismic, loved the Solaris Requiem, but couldn't get a good reaction with the Aftermath. Tried Motiv, as I said, and the 2Cruel was just junk. So far, I have had pretty good luck with Radical, like the Reax and Reax Pearl I have. I can go on and on, lol. I liked some of the Hammer line, loved the Black Widow, even liked the No Mercy and the Jigsaw Corner. Loved my Roto Grip Grenade back in the day, and the Original Cell, but hated the Rouge Cell and tried a Defiant and thought it was ok, not great. Maybe, like Gizmo said in another thread, I am just an idiot, lol.
I would love to find one company where I just loved everything I tried, or at least the majority of it. I would stick with one company. It obviously makes it easier to put together an arsenal, and cover the majority of conditions you might face. Plus the bonus of looking like a staffer that DP3 mentioned, lol. So for you Motiv guys, since I didn't like the 2Cruel at all...just never turned the corner or hit, what would be a good ball to try in the Motive line? I am RH, about 19 mph, about 380 RPM, and tilt of about 26 deg.