To help someone with bowlign ball sselection, lane adjustments, and the like it is often helpful to have information like:
- left handed or right handed (sometimes come into play)
- how times a week do you bowl,
- what kind of leagues are you in,
- how often do you practice
- how long have you been bowling,
- ball speed at the arrows, (relative ball speed is good, as most people and most lanes do not have ball speed measurement devices)
- how many revs or revs-per-minute fdo yo uhave (again relative to others is also good)
- PAP, positive axis point,
- axis tilt, rotational axis,
- lane conditions that you bowl on,
- which balls do you use on which lane condition and how are they drilled,
- if the balls surfaces have been changed and how,
don't need all that, but as much as possible often helps.
* in your question state that this or some info is available in your profile.
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."