
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: six pack on January 23, 2009, 03:44:10 PM

Title: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: six pack on January 23, 2009, 03:44:10 PM
I'm going to give it a try even though I don't have much of a thumb problem.
Just how snug should you set up the thumb hole?I figured I would give it a try on myself first the set up the wife's stuff if I think it works,she always has a problem with her thumb and if it works out well it would make my life a little easier.
The harder I try the harder they fall
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: Kid Jete on January 24, 2009, 12:13:48 AM
I never really liked it.  It just always seemed I couldn't get a snug enough feel for whatever reason.  Another thing I didn't like was that you have to open up the thumb so much that if you decide to go back to just white tape it'll take you a million pieces.
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: six pack on January 24, 2009, 12:42:16 AM
I'm thinking it's supposed to feel pretty tight but still release.
The harder I try the harder they fall
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: ThongPrincess on January 24, 2009, 02:19:30 AM
I use the Magic Carpet, it is about the size of 4-5 pieces of white tape.  It gets a snug fit for the thumb and a clean release.  I probably didn't need to open the thumb up very much, I find I am still putting in 5 or more pieces of tape.

The idea behind the carpet is it allows a tight fit without the vacuum forming that prevents a clean release.  It takes some getting used to how snug you can get the thumb.  I tried the Magic Carpet in North Carolina and Ron kept telling me to put in more tape.  I wasn't sure the ball would come off the hand, but he knew what he was talking about
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Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: johns811 on January 24, 2009, 02:53:57 AM
I've got a piece of Magic Carpet in one ball, and velcro in another. They are very similar. The Carpet just feels a little softer/fuzzier IMO. Both work OK. Balls were both used and the thumb was just a little big so I tried it. It works fine but normally I don't used.
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: charlest on January 24, 2009, 08:08:28 AM
I've got a piece of Magic Carpet in one ball, and velcro in another. They are very similar. The Carpet just feels a little softer/fuzzier IMO. Both work OK. Balls were both used and the thumb was just a little big so I tried it. It works fine but normally I don't used.

I found, when I tried MC, that it was a lot softer than Velcro. For that reason I would strongly suggest MC and not cheap out. MC can be hard on your thumb. The harder Velcro can be worse.

Get the real thing that designed for the situation.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: Hamburglar on January 24, 2009, 08:12:37 AM
MC can be hard on your thumb. The harder Velcro can be worse.

Yep!  Be prepared for a raw, bloody sore spot for a while...
That which doesn't kill you will only make you stronger, that which doesn't make you stronger is a waste of time!
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: ThongPrincess on January 24, 2009, 09:47:50 AM
MC can be hard on your thumb. The harder Velcro can be worse.

Yep!  Be prepared for a raw, bloody sore spot for a while...
That which doesn't kill you will only make you stronger, that which doesn't make you stronger is a waste of time!

Just one person, but I never had any bloody sore spot on the thumb with MC.  I may just have a tough thumb
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
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Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: johns811 on January 24, 2009, 09:59:38 AM
With MC, I had no problems at all with rubbing, none with Velcro either but the MC is softer, however neither were a problem for me. Make sure you use the loop side of the velcro .
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: six pack on January 24, 2009, 10:20:05 AM
well since I had the velcro I thought I'd give it a try.if your thumb got bloody and raw then it might of been to tight.
The harder I try the harder they fall
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: jbruno6 on January 24, 2009, 10:27:25 AM
No problems here either with the velcro (loop soft side).  I used to use Thumbpillow, but with all the equipment I buy used from here, the thumbpillow is too pricey, the adhesive velcro are cheap, and feel just as good, IMO.
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: JohnP on January 24, 2009, 10:59:43 AM
Magic Carpet won't hurt your thumb unless you "knuckle" it - then it will cause a raw spot on the knuckle.  --  JohnP
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: six pack on January 24, 2009, 11:03:36 AM
Magic Carpet won't hurt your thumb unless you "knuckle" it - then it will cause a raw spot on the knuckle.  --  JohnP

one would think if you knuckle the ball with the M.C. in the thumb hole then you would never get out of the ball,unless you have your thumb hole to loose.
The harder I try the harder they fall
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: Hogsharley on January 24, 2009, 11:06:34 AM
I'm going to give the velcro a try. MC is a $20 minimum order. I don't want to waste $20 if I don't like it. If I like the velcro, I'll order the MC.
3 holes of fun!!
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: jbruno6 on January 24, 2009, 11:14:28 AM
Hogs, my wife picked up the adhesive velcro at Michaels Arts & Crafts, if they have one of those by you (or a similiar arts store).  It comes in a roll also, 5/8 width or 3/4 width.  It also comes in white and black.  The roll, you can cut up to your preference, all for around 5 bucks.
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: Hogsharley on January 24, 2009, 11:20:02 AM
Hogs, my wife picked up the adhesive velcro at Michaels Arts & Crafts, if they have one of those by you (or a similiar arts store).  It comes in a roll also, 5/8 width or 3/4 width.  It also comes in white and black.  The roll, you can cut up to your preference, all for around 5 bucks.

I use a 1 1/4" slug. I assume the 3/4" velcro would make the best fit?
3 holes of fun!!
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: MI 2 AZ on January 24, 2009, 12:10:28 PM
I'm going to give the velcro a try. MC is a $20 minimum order. I don't want to waste $20 if I don't like it. If I like the velcro, I'll order the MC.

Hogsharley,  Ron Clifton used to offer free samples of Magic Carpet to BR members.  Just PM or email him and ask if he still offers the free samples.  Won't cost you much to find out and if he still does, you will get to try a great product for free.  Ron's user name on here is Magic Carpet.  You can get his email address from his website. (http://"")


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Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: twister on January 24, 2009, 03:46:34 PM
I actually use just the soft part of the Velcro along with Valentino's Frankentape in the front and it works wonders. I almost feel I can't get the thumb tight enough!

Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: six pack on January 24, 2009, 03:54:30 PM
Hogs, my wife picked up the adhesive velcro at Michaels Arts & Crafts, if they have one of those by you (or a similiar arts store).  It comes in a roll also, 5/8 width or 3/4 width.  It also comes in white and black.  The roll, you can cut up to your preference, all for around 5 bucks.

I use a 1 1/4" slug. I assume the 3/4" velcro would make the best fit?
3 holes of fun!!

playing around with what I had I figured out why it works and I had the pieces too wide @ 7/8".a 1/2" strip is all you want as you need air gaps on each side of your thumb to release the air pressure when your thumb pulls out of the hole.any wider and it doesn't allow the air to escape enough for a good release.
The harder I try the harder they fall

Edited on 1/24/2009 4:55 PM
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: Jay on January 25, 2009, 12:21:57 AM
playing around with what I had I figured out why it works and I had the pieces too wide @ 7/8".a 1/2" strip is all you want as you need air gaps on each side of your thumb to release the air pressure when your thumb pulls out of the hole.any wider and it doesn't allow the air to escape enough for a good release.

Would the width of the vecro depend on the size of your thumb?  I'm guessing the idea is just to get it so that some of the back of your thumb isn't in contact with the velcro.

Also, not sure if it's just me or if my memory of experience with MC is not very good, but I believe you need to open the thumb up a little more with velcro.  I'm probably way off base there but the reason I think that is that the thumb hole I have a piece of it in, I have troubles clearing the thumb.  Then again, that's probably solely because I have to work too hard to get the thumb in in that first place, and you can bet the size of the thumb hole from when I tried the MC versus the size of this one isn't the same.

Edited on 1/25/2009 1:55 AM
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: six pack on January 25, 2009, 10:09:58 AM
not that I bowled yet with the velcro,I will tonight.I think the wider it is the less air movement you will get and the more rubbing on the back of the thumb you will experience.but I see your point,probably half the width of your thumb hole TH is 1" I.D. and 1/2" piece feels good to me.
The harder I try the harder they fall
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: Brickguy221 on January 25, 2009, 10:41:37 AM
I've used Magic Carpet off and on. Used to use it a lot in the past and then for what ever reason I can't remember why, I sort of got away from it except once in a while. I still carry it in my accessory bag and use it now and then if my thumb shrinks more than normal that day or I encounter a thumb hole a bit large.

Since I use 3/4" White Tape and Valentino's Franken Tape, when I do use Magic Carpet, I trim a bit off each side so that it too will be 3/4".

For those of you that don't know this, due to the direction the loops of carpet are made, when you insert the Magic Carpet in the back of your thumb hole with the rounded end up, it  gives a slower release and inserting it with the square end up gives a faster release.
"Whenever I feel the urge to exercise I lie down until the feeling passes away."

Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: six pack on January 25, 2009, 08:29:27 PM
first night out with the velcro trick and even though I usually don't have a problem with my thumb I can say I had a very consistant release the whole night.
I give it two thumbs up!
The harder I try the harder they fall
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: Hogsharley on January 25, 2009, 09:35:45 PM
Has anyone tried the frizzy/nappy side of the velco?
3 holes of fun!!
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: six pack on January 25, 2009, 09:43:17 PM
Has anyone tried the frizzy/nappy side of the velco?
3 holes of fun!!

yeah bud,that's the side you use.the rough side would rip you up.
The harder I try the harder they fall
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: Hogsharley on January 25, 2009, 09:49:01 PM
Group: Users
 Show Profile  Contact User Add to Address Book  Ignore User     Posted: 1/24/2009 10:59 AM   Reply with quote With MC, I had no problems at all with rubbing, none with Velcro either but the MC is softer, however neither were a problem for me. Make sure you use the loop side of the velcro .  

As per Johns811 post use the loop side.  Now I'm confused
3 holes of fun!!
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: Hogsharley on January 25, 2009, 09:52:43 PM

Do I use the one on the left or the one on the right?
3 holes of fun!!
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: Jay on January 25, 2009, 10:03:13 PM
The Left.  The one on the right is extremely rough/sharp and will mess your thumb up.  That's called the hook side, while the one you should be using is called the loop side.

I recommend the Industrial Strength brand though.  I personally had to deal with bad residue with another brand that I'm not sure of, and it was probably the regular VELCRO brand.

Edited on 1/25/2009 11:06 PM
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: JohnP on January 26, 2009, 02:33:56 AM
For those of you that don't know this, due to the direction the loops of carpet are made, when you insert the Magic Carpet in the back of your thumb hole with the rounded end up, it gives a slower release and inserting it with the square end up gives a faster release.

The last order of MC's I got from Ron were round on both ends.  I don't know if that's a permanent change or not.  --  JohnP
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: scotts33 on January 26, 2009, 03:39:57 AM
   quote:For those of you that don't know this, due to the direction the loops of carpet are made, when you insert the Magic Carpet in the back of your thumb hole with the rounded end up, it gives a slower release and inserting it with the square end up gives a faster release.

The last order of MC's I got from Ron were round on both ends. I don't know if that's a permanent change or not. -- JohnP  

Jim and John,

Both ends are rounded now and have been for awhile but you just run your finger over the MC and you can feel that one way is cleaner feeling than the other.  I use the side up that feels cleaner.

Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: Jay on January 26, 2009, 04:21:32 AM
I thought the side that gives a quicker release when it's up is now marked red.  With velcro it doesn't matter which way you put it I believe.
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: KingofKings696 on January 26, 2009, 07:53:54 AM
How well does the carpet work for someone who has massive issues with shrinking and swelling?
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: JohnP on January 26, 2009, 09:45:29 AM
Both ends are rounded now and have been for awhile but you just run your finger over the MC and you can feel that one way is cleaner feeling than the other. I use the side up that feels cleaner.

That's good to know, I'll start checking before I put them in.

How well does the carpet work for someone who has massive issues with shrinking and swelling?

Very well, the carpet will compress more or less as the thumb swells/shrinks.  One of my customers used 6 - 10 pieces of black tape, continually adding or removing during a session, until I introduced him to Magic Carpet.  Now he almost never has to add or remove tape.  --  JohnP
Title: Re: for those that use velcro ???
Post by: Dan Belcher on January 26, 2009, 09:48:42 AM
Doesn't anybody drill a vent hole into their thumb hole anymore?  Sure fire way to prevent any vacuum from letting your thumb get out of the ball.
Also, Vise thumb slugs have a small notch on the back side that acts as a vent hole?.  (Assuming you don't glue over the top of it!)