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Author Topic: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?  (Read 3614 times)

The Hose

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Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« on: December 17, 2003, 07:02:18 PM »
It seems like there are too many people who don't have a clue what they are shooting on.  I see these cats shoot big sets on dead walls and they are spraying the ball all over the lanes, yet they tell me crap like "Yeah, I threw the ball reall good last night".  I watched them, they didn't throw it very good as far as I'm concerned even though they scored well.

At times, I've shot good scores but felt like I shouldn't have shot 600.  Other times, I felt like I really made some good shots all night yet didn't shoot 650.

What makes people think they are "good" when they play on walls?  What makes people blame the lanes when they bowl bad?

Do you judge your night by how you threw the ball or how you scored?

I bowled in a new house last night and couldn't believe how easy they were, it was a joke.  I threw 4 different balls and didn't make but about 3 good shots all night, yet shot 680.  If I was on a tour or sport shot and threw the ball like that, I wouldn't have shot 570.  I was even ashamed to tell someone my score when they asked, it just didn't matter, I stunk up the place.

On the other hand, this cat shot 735 and bragged about how good he tossed it.  Give me a break!  The cat almost tossed a couple in the ditch when he was playing 15 and the ball bounced off the ditch and struck.  He had 4 brooklyns that I say and sprayed the ball everywere in between.  He even had the nerve to tell me that he was playing them 10 boards different.  He may have, it woldn't have mattered on that crap.



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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2003, 10:37:42 AM »
pish, Hose has a good point here.........

when I bowl poorly, or under-average (happens a lot lately).....I can still focus on what I did good, and some of those poor nights I can pick out quite a few good things I did.

With my new span, I'm going thru a release change too because I'm not used to it quite yet...the last 2 weeks haven't been OUTSTANDING, but I've been really pleased with the way I've been throwing the ball lately...643-638 (above my starting average this year 204, and well above my current average 196)

But even with a 580 or so series, some of those nights I can say I threw the ball well on a number of shots,....I have to stay positive, once my head gets out of it, I'm done


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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2003, 11:36:21 AM »
I try to judge my night based on how well I am throwing the ball. Although, as you had stated, there are nights when I feel I am throwing the ball well and dont score well and vice versa. I am happy when my scores are good, but feel more accomplished when I throw the ball well and score well too!! Its a different kind of feeling, you feel good about yourself and the games you threw when you throw the ball well!!
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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2003, 11:50:07 AM »

we have one guy in the league averages 220 or so, he never and I mean never repeats a shot, watched him shoot 800 on us last year and everything carried, pathetic,...

Maybe you should analyze why he is carrying shots. He averages 220 for a reason.  There isn't luck in bowling.  There is a reason why a hit carries just like there is a reason why you leave a 10 pin.
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.  


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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2003, 12:05:06 PM »
There is a tournament coming up that proves Hose point.  The goal is to have a 5 person team break the 4000 barrier.

Kegel’s Million is a tournament concept that was born out of the current state of competitive bowling. Most people in our industry feel that the scoring pace is out of control, but when it comes to their business or their ability to hit the pocket everyone REALLY wants one thing – HIGH SCORES!!!

Kegel has made the decision to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together and create the “World’s First Perfect Bowling Environment” to see just how high scores can really go.

I like to have high scores but I like it better when I BOWL well.

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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2003, 12:07:42 PM »
The spray and pray'ers who do well on a house shot are bowling's equivalent to college sports use of aluminum bats and kicking tees for field goals.  The lack of form or consistency is frustrating for those that have worked on honing their craft...hence the disdain for those who spray the ball but couldn't hit the same board twice if their life depended on it.


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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2003, 12:15:00 PM »
I have often walked off the lanes shooting a decent score but knowing I didn’t throw the ball well. But the score does take some of the sting off not making quality shots.

And I have felt at times like I bowled extremely well and not shot much.

I would say I generally feel about the same but for the most part I would rather throw the ball well. I always figure I can eventually find a way to carry if I’m bowling good but sooner or later throwing it bad will catch up and you’ll have that really ugly night.


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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2003, 12:24:50 PM »
Everyone has those nights where the pocket is crushed and they just can't carry.  It happens and everyone has to deal with it, so what's wrong with enjoying a night when your shots just happen to carry the world?  Obviously if a guy shoots 800 he's gotta be somewhat close to a line, regardless if it has some area around it.  Bowling is about finding a way to score, sometimes the people scoring look like lop-sided penguins on the approach but if they find away to carry when no one else does than more power to them.


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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2003, 12:36:20 PM »
For the most part everywhere where there are leagues you have houses that want to put out shots where it's easy to score by just pushing the ball right (for right handers) and have the ball make the pocket area. I bowl in a men's peterson league on Wednesday nights, they just installed synthetic lanes but they still have the shot so that all you have to do is throw it hard and right and watch the ball come back to the pocket. They said once they finished the entire installation they would be changing the shot and asked some of us bowlers what we would like to see, I told the manager when she asked my opinion I said I would like to see a shot from 1 to 1 even across the lane and down to 45', but I also told her that 85% or more of the guys in the league would moan and complain about it.

In answer to your question though I was taught by my coach to analyze my execution rather than my score in the long run you are much better off and will eventually bowl better under most or all conditions. It is sometimes hard out there to see someone with little to no knowledge of the game shoot big even honor scores and feel they bowled well when they couldn't hit even a 3 or board area let alone hit a slice. But I guess I shouldn't complain much though I have a guy that bowls on my team that averages in the 2's and sometimes hits 5 or 6 different lines in the same game and shots 240's 250's and thinks he is a real good bowler, but I guess those are the breaks.  

Anyway enough on this subject, just keep hitting your mark and hopefully it all evens out.


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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2003, 12:37:42 PM »
there is one guy in my league that always says "yeah, it was a tough shot, I only had three boards to play with". Yeah, good thing all three of them had arrows painted on them.

A couple of weeks ago I rolled a 677. Last week I earned a 655. I was way more acurate last week than I was a couple weeks ago, but I had way more room for error than I did last week.

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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2003, 02:57:41 PM »
I agree with Hose.  On Sunday, I was bowling a make-up.  First game I did not throw the ball well, carried some lucky hits and shot 208.  Second game, still not throwing well I leave three big splits and a washout and shoot 159.  Towards the end of game 2 I was feeling the shot a little more and in game 3 I go:
1 - solid 10 pin
2 - solid 10 pin
3 - make a small adjustment, 4 pin (lost some speed)
4 - 8 pin
5 - X
6 - 7 pin (great shot that was briefly a 7-9 but a messenger took out the 9)
7 - X
8 - solid 10 pin
9 - 7 pin (missed 1 board right and came up light, mixer did not get the 7)
10 - 8 pin, spare, solid 10 pin

I threw the ball where I wanted and like I wanted except in frames 3 and 9, picked up every spare, never doubled and shot 194.  But, I still felt good about the game.  Sometimes that's just the way it goes.
Regards, ClutchClay


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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2003, 03:04:29 PM »
They gave me 6 boards, I used every one of 'em and needed about 2 more.

Isn't this always the way for us non-pro bowlers.  If I have 1, I need 3... If I have 3, I need 5...If I have 5, I need 7....and i cant remember the last time I had more than 5


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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2003, 03:18:06 PM »
Pish, you miss the point.  It isn't about the spray and pray'ers posting phone numbers.  Rather, it is about the fact that they actually believe themselves to be good after having displayed an absolute lack of consistency.  If you go roll 2, brooklyn, brooklyn, flush, trip 4, then fine- you threw five in a row...and from a scoring standpoint that is fine; the question becomes one of whether the individual actually believes they threw the ball well or gives a sh*t.  Personally ([on edit] in a league environment), I'll sacrifice the scores in favor of executing good shots.  Being content with crap that carries does nothing but encourage bad habits to set in...

Edited on 12/18/2003 4:40 PM


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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2003, 03:27:45 PM »
From a purist viewpoint I agree. I'd rather throw the ball great than use that 4-6 boards of area the lane man might have provided for me.

HOWEVER - I don't pay the bills with just great shots. The pins have to fall too. And I don't know about you - but when I throw a stinker shot and they all fall down, I haven't given back one yet!

To replay one of my favorite quotes - "It's not how, it's how many."

Of course, the purest form of bowling pleasure is to both throw the ball great AND watch all the pins fall. Repeatedly.
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The Hose

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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2003, 03:42:46 PM »
pishtosh,  the point was about you as an individual felt about how you threw the ball reguarless of scores.   I may have a wall and shoot big, but I'm more concerned about how I threw it.  If I'm looking at 8 at the break point and hit 2 and it strikes or if I tug to 12 and the ball skids and strikes,  I'm not happy with the way I threw the ball.

Other times, I've shot620 and felt like I made really good shots.  I'm prouder of those times then I am shooting a monster set.

People will ask me why I'm shaking my head after a strike.  I know when it was a good shot or a result of easy lanes.

Some bowlers could care less how they threw the ball as long as they score.  It seems you are one of them.  Which is OK by me, just wanted some feedback.