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Author Topic: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?  (Read 3613 times)

The Hose

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Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« on: December 17, 2003, 07:02:18 PM »
It seems like there are too many people who don't have a clue what they are shooting on.  I see these cats shoot big sets on dead walls and they are spraying the ball all over the lanes, yet they tell me crap like "Yeah, I threw the ball reall good last night".  I watched them, they didn't throw it very good as far as I'm concerned even though they scored well.

At times, I've shot good scores but felt like I shouldn't have shot 600.  Other times, I felt like I really made some good shots all night yet didn't shoot 650.

What makes people think they are "good" when they play on walls?  What makes people blame the lanes when they bowl bad?

Do you judge your night by how you threw the ball or how you scored?

I bowled in a new house last night and couldn't believe how easy they were, it was a joke.  I threw 4 different balls and didn't make but about 3 good shots all night, yet shot 680.  If I was on a tour or sport shot and threw the ball like that, I wouldn't have shot 570.  I was even ashamed to tell someone my score when they asked, it just didn't matter, I stunk up the place.

On the other hand, this cat shot 735 and bragged about how good he tossed it.  Give me a break!  The cat almost tossed a couple in the ditch when he was playing 15 and the ball bounced off the ditch and struck.  He had 4 brooklyns that I say and sprayed the ball everywere in between.  He even had the nerve to tell me that he was playing them 10 boards different.  He may have, it woldn't have mattered on that crap.



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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2003, 04:00:14 PM »
The house I just left due to a move had a high level handicap league.
High average for the highest average righty was 17 pins over the highest lefty.
To the next highest lefty it was another 13 pins.  So a total of 30 pins between high righty and 2nd highest lefty.

Note all the lefties in the league were tournament winners in our area.
How often do you see the above.

Now the house that is nearest my house and where I like to practice is listed along with all the other houses in this medium good sized city area in the paper.

Over the last two weeks I have not seen a 700 for the house I'm practicing at.
In town there has been an 877!

Somehow I just don't seem to get it!  Wrong place at the wrong time!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2003, 04:24:32 PM »
There has always (for me) been one true axiom in bowling - a few others have already touched on it.

Sometimes you throw the ball very well and don't score.  Other times you throw the ball like cr4p and do score.

Both of the above situations irritate me to no end.  The latter because of the former. What is sad to me is people who consistently do the latter and have no idea that is what is happening.

Case in point, I had my worst night in 20 years this past Tuesday.  I did not hit the pocket on even 50% of my shots.  Thanks to good spare shooting, I still ended up with 570, but I was absolutely disgusted with myself.

(c) Copied Right! 2003 Knarly Stuff Inc.

The Hose

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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2003, 04:25:59 PM »
Guys,  I still don't think some of you get the point.  It's not about..
Does the ABC send out little perfect form and follow through badges, along with the "I hit every board I aimed for" T-shirt now?

Some of you may not know it but I'm a lefty.  I've seen some pretty big walls.
In a tournament, I'm not going to complain about how many pins I knock down or give back a double if I tripped the 6-8 out.  I try to judge my league night and tournaments on a personal note rather then go around and tell people that I shot 680 when I tossed the ball bad.  Even if I win a tournament because I had the best look and a large area to play, I'll say something like "Yeah, I won, but I had so much room and got away with murder, if the shot was tough and I threw the ball like that, I may not have even cashed"

I'm just trying to be honest instead of bragging about something I shouldn't have done.  From time to time, I'll throw the ball good and kill em, wall or no wall, I made good shots.

The point is, some just don't want to be honest with what they are able to get away with because of the lanes.

Have you guys, Up the Irons or pishtosh bowled on tour or sport patterns?


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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2003, 04:26:24 PM »
Pish, you see the problem is that the other night when I shot 660 or whatever it was and said I bowled badly, it's true.  The shot was so easy I should, had I actually bowled halfway decently, have shot 720+.

Ragnar, you are so right on about that.  Isn't that frustrating?!

(c) Copied Right! 2003 Knarly Stuff Inc.


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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2003, 04:31:27 PM »
...i was really trying to make good shots, theres no reason to discount the score just b/c of the lane condition...

Pishtosh is right on here as well, and as mumzie mentioned, I'll never give back a strike where I threw wide and the head pin took out the entire left side for the strike.  You have no choice but to take the conditions that are given to you be they easy or hard.

If I "have one board" I expect myself to make good shots and shoot 600.
If I "have three boards" I expect myself to make good shots and shoot 660.
If I "have" more than three boards, I expect myself to make good shots and shoot 700.

Does that make sense to both sides of the argument?

(c) Copied Right! 2003 Knarly Stuff Inc.


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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2003, 05:44:06 AM »
I prefer to judge myself on how accurate I am for the outing.  When I am on THS I just try to be accurate at the arrows but the breakpoint is usually wide open.  I am looking at a three board area down lane.  However, at tourneys I am looking far more accurate and focused b/c I normally don't have that area.  

I admit when I bowl poorly either score wise or I am spraying the ball.  I can't believe the area some people have on THS.  I saw a guy on my team tuesday that shot 785+ or so, have at least 10 boards of area.  It was bananas.  He could hit anywhere right of 15 and money in the bank.  I have NEVER had that much area.  I consider good area 3 boards, if I can create that I will score fairly well most of the time.  

I am not throwbot and neither is any other human being.  If you think 3 boards is too much you are kidding yourself, I think that is what a person needs to score high.  I have never seen anyone shoot lights out on condition where you have to split boards to strike.



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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2003, 06:10:28 AM »
Thats how I look at things. I hate throwing a bad shot and getting
rewarded for it. It makes me feel like a lefty. I come
home and tell the wife, well I threw the ball like I
just shot 750 and shot 550. Or I tell her shot 650 with
while throwing the ball like crappolla. It never seems to
work out that I toss a high series when I am hitting my mark, and
everything is going well, EXCEPT THE single pins won't fall.
Saws are made to cut ANYTHING including 10 pins

Ten pin?????? Where?? I throw a BUZZSAW there is NUTTIN left on the deck...

Proud MEMBER of the FOS!!
Member of the FOS, if there happens to be a 9 pin standing just toss a saw and cut it down~~!


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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2003, 10:37:15 AM »

From all the comments and your replies I get this picture. Tell me if I am wrong.

You're probably a solid 215 average on any condition, sport, flat, PBA, whatever, and on these house conditions (5-10 board area), you can average 225 - 235 without too much thought. Many "house" bowlers, whose true average is 175 - 180 across all conditions, are averaging 200-210 or more and think they're God's gift to bowling.

Is that about right?

Unfortunately, given today's circumstance and the bowling environment, ingneral, can you blame them? Their eyes do not see what you (and, hopefully, I) see when we're bowling.

I, for one, am sick of the same kind of thing. I hit my target much more often than most scratch bowlers, but I wind up leaving many 4 pins and 10 pins and 7 pins, while many of my head-to-head match-ups in leagues are lucky to come within 4 baords left AND 4 boards right of their target and they carry all kinds of crap. And life goes on.

One match 2 weeks ago was the epitome of this. He stands up against the ball return, throws it 2-4 mph slower than I, sends it out to anywhere between 3 board ans 12 board, carries 2 Brooklyns, 3 nose shots and beats me 259 to 224, while I missed the flush pocket maybe twice. One swallows one's pride and starts the next game. What else is there to do?

"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #24 on: December 20, 2003, 01:49:36 PM »
One swallows one's pride and starts the next game. What else is there to do?

Charlest, be careful.  One can become too full of pride by doing this.

Rags, I may be full of it, but it sure ain't pride.

Truth be told though I agree absolutely with what you said (even though I'm not quite in the same category as you and Hose, skillwise).

Who said I had skill? Tell me and I'll knock him down a notch. That ain't a fittin' thing to say to man or mouse and I'll deny it to my dying day. Hose has numbers to back up his skills; I don't claim any and I ain't got any.
I'm just a Bones' type flinger; I fling left and I fling right.  And that's the way it is.

"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #25 on: December 21, 2003, 02:11:57 PM »
I bowled well last week in my couples' league. I shot 605. Our lane condition is extreme over/under with pins constantly set off-spot. My second game was 268. I had 10 strikes, but not all of them were good strikes. Although none were brooklyn, I got away with a couple. My last game was a whopping 170. I hit the pocket every ball, actually throwing it better than in my 268 game. I had three strikes and none were in a row. But I knew that I threw it well. Unfortunately, you are rewarded for score only. Not style points.

Game In a BoxLC

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Re: Forget about scores, how did you throw the ball?
« Reply #26 on: December 21, 2003, 02:22:43 PM »
i bowl in a leauge on thursday where i literally have to set my ball on the rack and its good for 660+, its an easy house but because it just suits my game so well i just rip it apart. Once a week i have the front 10 and pretty much every week i shoot 700, a bad night is 640 for me. But i will be the first to tell you how easy it is for me or how i missed my breakpoint by 8 boards when i flushed the last shot out.

I never used to do this until i was able to bowl on a sport shot and realized the difference between hitting 14 to 10 or 14 to 5 and different lines.

Now i gauge how i bowl from how i threw the ball instead of score, i've had some pretty crappy 750's and i would be the first to say so.

When i watch flingers on a ths destroy me all i can do is smile and know if they put an OB outside of 10 or a sport shot out, they wouldn't average 150, and i would still be at a 180-210 clip. I just wish MORE tournaments would put out demanding conditions, so it did reward good shotmaking.
I'm left handed and i've got a ball and a wall.

The forum whore formerly known as leftycrank300/JasonBogeyLC