Ok,here we go.............
I've been bowling for over thirty years. As a young bowler, I got ised to wearing a wrist brace of some type. The Don Carter brace,and just about everything that has hit the market over the years. I'm currently using a Storm Strong Arm Plus.
Several of my friends and fellow bowlers have suggested that I learn to bowl without it,and I did throw three games on totally fried lanes last week and shot 540 without it.
My dilemma is this............
1.What are your thoughts?
2.Should I use league next year to learn this,or practice in between and use one during league until I learn?
3. As the anchor bowler on one of the teams,should I vacate that spot and explain why and see what happens?
4.Or,just stay where I am?
Thanks for your replies................
Lane#1--nothing else hits like 'em.