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Author Topic: Forward finger pitch  (Read 9227 times)


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Forward finger pitch
« on: September 09, 2008, 02:58:00 PM »
I don't have a good feel when I release the ball and was thinking of trying more forward finger pitch to try possible keep the ball on my fingers a little longer and hopefully get a little more lift on the ball. My span fells great and everything is good until I get to my release. Has anyone made this change and if so did it do what you expected. Right now I'm at 0 on both fingers. Also I'm somewhere between a stroker and a tweener, not a lot of rotation on my ball but I usually don't have a problem finding the pocket, I just don't carry very well. I was hoping this change might help my carry. Maybe I'm way off base on my thoughts but any input is appreciated.



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Re: Forward finger pitch
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2008, 03:54:23 PM »

Thus people screaming about swelling and pain with the stretched span and 0 pitch.    I had to go back and read Taylor again and he states on page 56 of his book that vertical pitch is for utility rather than comfort.  Many of the bowlers I deal with are more interested in the comfort of the ball than the few extra revs (maybe) they will get with the forward or 0 in the fingers.  I read the section you quoted and that is a great section because it covers the length difference between fingers.  This is an area inwhich many drillers never understand or drill for.


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Re: Forward finger pitch
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2008, 05:01:36 PM »
Though I like 0 pitch I can bend comfortably last joint about 55 degrees.

When stretched to full (still near middle of last and next joint).  A lot of hit is given on a ball at 0 pitch f/r fingers that is just on a naked hole!

I am really getting into feeling the exactness and proper relaxed grip while I have switched to naked holes!  I think it forces a real good fit!  Inserts are probably squeezed shorter during delivery!  Just by gravity and speed....not necessarily squeeze!


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Re: Forward finger pitch
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2008, 07:00:57 PM »
Finger pitch is different from bowler to bowler. My driller uses 3/8 forward on the ring finger, he says it helps you to hit the ball at the bottom if you want to. I think he is correct, however, I do not think that it is necessary to hit the ball at the bottom, as many bowlers do, and some quite well, I might add.

When I drill my own balls, because I prefer and use a relaxed span, I do not bother to adjust my span if I decide to add forward to my ring finger, even though I use vise lifts. Its all about what works for the individual bowler.
Also, I have found that Taylors 0 and 5/8 right for works fine for avoiding your finger holes intersecting.

Psychodad, you are correct about forward and reverse. Also, watch ND or PW release. They do not hit the ball at the bottom. In fact, their hands are generally open on the release and they roll the ball off of their fingers. Try it. If you can perfect it, you will find that you get more hook than when you you are trying to hit the ball at the bottom, and also that you will have pins flying all over the place because you get more roll on the ball. That is my theory as to why anyway. I may be wrong, but I know I am correct in that you will get as much carry as the guys ripping the cover off.

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Re: Forward finger pitch
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2008, 07:12:49 PM »
Finger pitch should be based SOLELY on flexibility, not any pre-conceived notion that it increases revs or lift.  As has been said, a quick bending of the finger tip will determine the needed pitch.  Most people do not need any forward a quick way to determine if you have too much forward, or not enough reverse, is that your finger nail is blackened in the center.

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Re: Forward finger pitch
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2008, 07:26:53 PM »

Maybe I'm confused on finger pitch. I thought forward pitch would have the fingers angled more towards the thumb and reverse would be away from the thumb. If I am wrong maybe that's part of my problem.

You are right, Forward is pitch toard the thumb and reverse is away from the thumb
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Re: Forward finger pitch
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2008, 08:20:13 PM »

I agree but would like to add that you need to allow for the shape and bends of each finger for laterals. I have two copies of Taylors book a really old 2 language version(English and Japanese) and the new single language from last year.  He has changed nothing or made no updates.  At one point Taylor's book was accepted as the absolute gospel.  Now people are finding out alot more about what actually works.   and happens.  I sat thru a lecture by Mo Pinel a couple of years ago and he stated that 20 years ago the thinking was that ball skid, rolled and then hooked.  If you think about it that's not correct.  Everything usually needs to be updated over time.


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