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Author Topic: Forward roll and hook-set..  (Read 919 times)

Buddy Christ

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Forward roll and hook-set..
« on: March 23, 2009, 03:16:32 AM »
Recently, I've been drastically changing the way I roll the ball, and from what I couple of the 'old-timers' at the alley tell me, I've developed a forward roll.

My question is, would drilling a ball for hook-set be a good combo for the style of bowling? If I don't have enough information provided, I apologize. I never really got into the technical aspect of the sport. I'm planning on taking more video today [since according to popular belief the existing ones suck, and I agree.]

But, any advice provided would be helpful.
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Re: Forward roll and hook-set..
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2009, 11:39:14 AM »
No expert, but let me tell yo uabout "me" ..

I used to have a high track, about 1" max from my fingers...I was told (and I may be wrong) but I'd come around the side too much ...well, my driller (KOTM here on br) likes a hook-set for me and my style.

So, ...if you're NOT coming around the side too much, it may not be what you're looking for.

Does that make sense?

p.s. I'm sure someone will come on and concur or correct this
The Revless Wonder and King Douchebag!


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Re: Forward roll and hook-set..
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2009, 12:36:14 PM »
To develop "forward roll" you must be staying behind the ball which would produce a large track ring in diameter (such as 11.5"). I would believe that a hook set layout would produce more forward roll. This combination should produce a very straight entry angle into the pocket which would not be inclined to strike alot on off hits. Todays bowling is about creating as much entry angle as possible. Just my thinking.
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Re: Forward roll and hook-set..
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2009, 12:38:55 PM »
To develop "forward roll" you must be staying behind the ball which would produce a large track ring in diameter (such as 11.5"). I would believe that a hook set layout would produce more forward roll. This combination should produce a very straight entry angle into the pocket which would not be inclined to strike alot on off hits. Todays bowling is about creating as much entry angle as possible. Just my thinking.

OK, so what I said made-sense, ...KOTM put me into a hook-set because of the way I came out of the ball.   So, ...I remembered right!
The Revless Wonder and King Douchebag!