I bowl in a very casual, non-serious mixed league with hubby and friends on Tuesday night. We pay a total of $14 per night, and about $3 or so goes to the prize fund.
The secretary distributed the "prize list" tonight for everyone to vote "yes" or "no". This was only a list of the extra $$ paid for high game, series, whether these people get money or trophies, that kind of thing. It only added up to a few hundred dollars - if that... Point money was not mentioned anywhere on the sheet.
I think this is our 4th year in that league. Either I've never noticed, or always been in Medford for the PBA the week this gets circulated. Anyway - I didn't sign the sheet (wrote 'abstain for further discussion'), and took it down to the secretary. I tried to discuss the omission with her, and got "well,we've always done it this way", and "I don't understand what you mean, we never know how much per point until the end", and so on.
I feel that this prize fund document is the "contract" between the league officers and the members, stating what will be paid out for what, and gives the members a full accounting of their money. The secretary claims that that's not necessary, and doesn't have to be done.
When we finished bowling, I called our local association manager, who stated that I was correct. I then went to the league president, and voiced my concern. Now - it's not about the money - there isn't much in this league, and it's not a big deal. What it is about is integrity, doing things the right way, and protecting the rear ends of the league officers, because if anyone cried foul, they would be accused of acting improperly.
While I was talking with the president, the SPOUSE of the secretary came over and yelled at me "don't you understand the difference between individual awards and prize fund", and "they've always done it this way, so it has to be ok", and "if I really felt strongly about it, I could do it next year"...
The league president then came over and told me that the SPOUSE was really upset, because everyone was bugging the secretary tonight, wondering where the rest of the money was going to go!!! (so I guess I wasn't alone, after all).
I suggested a meeting next week, to present an amended prize fund to be voted on, which would contain an estimated amount for point money to be awarded. Of course, if we lose bowlers, have vacancies, etc, this amount would be adjusted at the end of the season. This would save everyone's face, and protect both the league members and officers.
My issues:
1. When the prize fund is voted on - should there be more than one proposal, or is just one ok?
2. Why is the spouse of the league secretary involved? That person doesn't hold any office in the league.
3. If everyone else was confused, why am I the person being attacked? Is it because I know what I'm talking about? (and I didn't mention calling our assoc. manager to anyone but the league president...)
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