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Author Topic: Fouling  (Read 1503 times)


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« on: February 06, 2009, 10:25:55 AM »
In the last month, I've been doing my fair share of fouling and I can't seem to completely eliminate it.  In a recent outing, I'd gone 8 games without doing it, then in the next game or two I fouled three times I think.  In my league that I bowl four games in, I'm normally fouling around three times.  At my home center I bowl another league which is three games and I'd probably foul around three times a week there as well, but they don't have the sensors on.

So I'm asking for some suggestions.  I have a 5-step approach with a small slide as my first step.  If I go to the foul line and take 6 normal walking steps towards the dots on the approach, that tells me I should line up with my toes a few inches behind set of dots closest to the foul line(not counting the ones actually at the foul line).  I moved back to about half way between the two sets of dots just for good measure.  I'm fine here most of the time, so I can't really figure out my occasional foul.  I've tried moving back to as far as a few inches in front of the first set of dots but I always find myself close to within 2" of the foul line which means I just take bigger steps when I move back, but moving up doesn't always make me take smaller ones.




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Re: Fouling
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2009, 06:55:53 PM »


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Re: Fouling
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2009, 07:07:59 PM »
Take video and see if you are doing something subconcsiously. Also maybe try stopping earlier yet? For instance aim for say 4inches away from foul like this way you have room for error.


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Re: Fouling
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2009, 08:09:39 PM »
Mr. Obvious says, why don't you just stop behind the black line?  lol

Do you slide a lot?  I don't "plant" as much as I used to (knees just can't take it any more) but I still don't slide much.  If you have a longer slide, maybe you're just more susceptible to foul if the approaches are a wee bit slicker.  Since you're used to sliding, maybe you don't notice it as much.  Since I have a small slide, I'm generally pretty sensitive to slick approaches and change the soles on my sliding shoe to give me more "brakes" in those situations.


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Re: Fouling
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2009, 08:41:03 PM »
I don't really get the concept of trying to stop sooner.  What do you really do to accomplish that?

I seem to slide a noticeable amount at my local house, which has wood approaches.  I started bowling at a house with synthetic approaches this year, and I go bowl at the wood house after that league.  Before this year, I didn't really think much of my sliding except on a few occasions where the approaches were extra slick, but now I see that the wood house for me is a real slide as opposed to the synthetic house where I think I have a little slide.  That's probably similar to how much slide you have.  I've never seen a side video of me so I don't know how much I really do slide, but I do know that I always end up at the foul line even from the first set of dots.  So I tend to think I'm doing something physically to get there.  It's very frustrating because rather than my subconscious telling me I'm going to foul, it tells me "keep going you're not there yet."  as a result I think I'm overcompensating.

I personally think it could be my last step, where I "reach" to get where my body is used to being.  Just out of curiousity, is anyone actually really close to where they should be according to the test of walking back from the foul line one more step than you take in your approach?


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Re: Fouling
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2009, 08:54:54 PM »
First, I'd get a pencil.  I'd go to the foul line, turn around, and take a half step away from it.  Then, I'd go through my normal delivery toward the settee area, including the slide.  When I'm in my finish position, I mark the spot on the approach with the pencil and that's my new starting point.

Just my inflated three cents

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Re: Fouling
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2009, 09:19:20 PM »
If you're not having any footing issues I would guess that your spine tilt is getting a little forward.  getting your body over top of the ball and the shot will cause you to be on your toes more and making you slide a bit longer, enough for a foul.  I used to have that problem.. maybe try to correct that and see if it helps. good luck
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Re: Fouling
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2009, 08:25:02 PM »
I don't really get the concept of trying to stop sooner.  What do you really do to accomplish that?

I put on a different sole, usually start with the heel first, and if that doesn't whoa me up enough I'll change the forefoot.  Basically, I'm trying to adjust my shoes to create the amount of friction/slide I want rather than trying to physically alter my slide length and timing to accommodate a slippery approach.

I'm jealous of the wood approaches you bowl on!  I've found that generally, wood approaches are more predictable and consistent with climate changes than synthetics.  Maybe it's just me, but I've never had wood get as tacky on a humid day as synthetics seem to, and likewise I've never seen wood get as slick as wet ice on a crisp, dry day like synthetics will.  If it weren't for synthetic approaches, I'd still be in my old Linds and would not have needed to buy new shoes with interchangeable soles to compensate for them.


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Re: Fouling
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2009, 10:31:47 AM »
I've tried moving back to as far as a few inches in front of the first set of dots but I always find myself close to within 2" of the foul line which means I just take bigger steps when I move back, but moving up doesn't always make me take smaller ones.

You pretty much answered your own question there.  A long time ago I had that same problem.  I could move back 6" and still be 1-2" from the foul line. I was rushing (taking bigger steps).  Once I worked on taking smaller steps, the fouling because a non-issue.