Just for arguments sake, does anyone consider the idea of saving your "special" balls or "better" balls for only big money events and not for league a slight form of sandbagging? I have always thought that if you didn't do everything you could to score the absolute highest every time you bowl a league or tournament, you could be viewed as a sandbagger. You wouldn't be sandbagging on purpose, but it could be viewed that way.
For example, bowler 1 bowls 2-3 leagues a week and may practice once more a week. Bowler 1 bowls actively in the tournaments and it is obvious he can bowl well. Yet in league, you see him bowling with some older stuff (10+ yrs old) or even plastic. Bowler 1 may try his hardest during league with the equipment he brings, but to the casual observer, if you know bowler 1 has newer equipment that he is "saving" for tournaments, is he really trying hard in league. Of course, he may actually use that equipment in tournaments or the better equipment may be too strong if tournament shots are substantially slicker. But on the surface, could bowler 1 be considered a sandbagger in any way? Are there levels of sandbagging?
Example 2, bowler 2 is bowling game one of league and is bowling very well and bowler 2's team has already clinched the game. In the tenth frame, bowler 2 doubles and for his last ball, gets a different ball and commences to getting a 5 count. After this "ball check", bowler 2 goes back to his original ball and continues to score well the rest of the night. I personally am guilty of this. I may be bowling well with the ball I am using, but may want to see the difference in the reaction of another ball in the tenth where the game is well in hand so the effect does not affect the "outcome". Could bowler 2 done better than a 5 count with his original ball? Most likely. Did he do this for the sole purpose of "sandbagging"? Most likely not. But once again, did he do his absolute best and achieve the best score? Not really.
By having "tournament balls" and "league balls", some could claim that a form of sandbagging. I don't do it only because I don't bowl too many tournaments and I just don't buy a lot of bowling balls. I take everything with me everywhere I go.
Just food for thought.
I am not a pro-bowler, but I do play one on BallReviews.com