QStick777, you are not alone charting every shot on the lanes. I keep a running sheet every night when I'm bowling.....I record the pinfall ball by ball, and I note the pins left standing above the frame. I find that this gives me trends on the scoring conditions on a particular lane, so I can make some minor adjustments if I start seeing a lot of 10-pins or 4-pins on a particular lane. It only takes a few seconds to record the information which would otherwise be lost at the end of the game. And, this gives me a quick reference as to how many strikes, 10-pins, or whatever happened during the 3 game set.
As for a sheet, I take a piece of printer paper and fold it into 1/8ths....then I record 2 series on the horizontal portion of 1/8th of a sheet, and a 3rd set on the vertical section. When I get through, I have 24 sets on each side of the sheet of paper, or a total of 48 sets on 1 piece of paper. I also find that keeping track of the game shot by shot keeps me more focused on what I'm doing on the lanes....and if I need to make an adjustment, all I need to do is to refer back to the past few frames on a particular lane to get my answer.