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Author Topic: Free arm swing  (Read 5504 times)


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Free arm swing
« on: August 23, 2004, 11:03:46 PM »
Im currently reading John Jowdy's Bowling Execution book, and it goes on about a free arm swing...

The theory of it sounds good, but how do you know if your actually doing it?

what are the signs... or is it just that mentally you'll know?

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Re: Free arm swing
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2004, 07:21:06 AM »
Get a coach or get a lesson from someone who perscribes to the theory,'s eye opening and can only help your game.......

As far as I'm concerned....when I did it right the first time, ...I could feel the difference immediately.....
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Re: Free arm swing
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2004, 07:54:29 AM »
Cheers, will do... I'm going to finish reading the book first...
its quite an insight.. but I realy do need to work on my aproach.

I have been improving since I started reading... like getting closer to the boards on release, and sometime I don't get that horrible BANG sound


"Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether you win or lose, it's how drunk you get."  
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Re: Free arm swing
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2004, 11:21:05 AM »
I'm trying it to, but it's giving me fits by causing early timing.  I start my pushaway after my first step (5-stepper) and the ball's already past my thigh on its way up by the end of my 2nd step.  I typically end up slowing my downswing waiting for my feet to catch up.  Gravity and my feets just aren't on the same page....


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Re: Free arm swing
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2004, 11:33:44 AM »
Hum as in produce a steady sound as you bowl.  If at any point in your execution the hum's pitch or amplitude increases, that is a sign that your arm swing isn't 100% free.  If the pitch or amplitude changes, that means you are probably muscling the ball.  

Also, if you're having timing issues, try pushing away at the second step of your approach.  A typical 4 stepper pushes away at or soon after the first step.  One of the only differences between is a 4 step and 5 step approach is in a 5 step approach, the first step is usually just a timing step or to help increase forward momentum.


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Re: Free arm swing
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2004, 11:55:03 AM »
icetink is right.  I just went from a 4 step to a 5 step approach.  I don't start my pushaway until I'm planting my foot on the second step.  This gets me to the foul line "just" before the ball.  That gives me just a little extra leverage, while still allowing me to execute a free armswing.
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Re: Free arm swing
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2004, 02:58:27 PM »
MB, for 1, you can't have a free armswing today and have many revs on the ball. When you have a free armswing, the ball will be released early on the lane.

With higher rev rates along with todays lane conditions and balls, the ball will grab way too soon. You can't generate a high enough speed with a free armswing to combat how much the ball will hook.

Therefore, it's almost impossible to bowl today using a completely free armswing along with a high rev rate. You're going to have to muscle it/the ball to get it down the lane.

This is why you see many pro's close to 20 mph. It's not possible to have that high of a ball speed utilizing a free armswing. =:^D

Edited on 8/25/2004 5:40 PM


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Re: Free arm swing
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2004, 08:20:59 AM »
What about a semi free armswing... you know... power it back and let it swing forward... thats the sort of thing I'm going for.

As long as you get the height on the back swing you can have a fast ball, am I right?

I like the idea of the humming though... will try that out next time

"Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether you win or lose, it's how drunk you get."  
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Re: Free arm swing
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2004, 08:34:00 AM »
MB, for 1, you can't have a free armswing today and have many revs on the ball. When you have a free armswing, the ball will be released early on the lane.

With higher rev rates along with todays lane conditions and balls, the ball will grab way too soon. You can't generate a high enough speed with a free armswing to combat how much the ball will hook.

Therefore, it's almost impossible to bowl today using a cmpletely free armswing. You're going to have to muscle it/the ball to get it down the lane.

This is why you see many pro's close to 20 mph. It's not possible to have that high of a ball speed utilizing a free armswing. =:^D

T-GOD...are you kidding?!
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Re: Free arm swing
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2004, 08:56:05 AM »
T-GOD...are you kidding?!

That's what I was thinking....


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Re: Free arm swing
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2004, 09:13:13 AM »

I've bowled with the famous Dave Davis.

Supposedly one of the freeest armswings ever.  He is just short of 20 mph if he wants to be.

Explain please.  Very high ball speed and very little effort in his case..


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Re: Free arm swing
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2004, 09:14:47 AM »
Took the words right out of my mouth (as he picks his jaw up off the floor).
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Re: Free arm swing
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2004, 09:34:45 AM »
T-God, The truth is you could not be more incorrect if u tried.  On house shouts go ahead and muscle up all you want, however when one gets to more difficult conditions the obvious will show itself.  A free "Consistent" arm swing is better and more advantageous.  Under pressure and other elements (tough conditions) the muscled swing becomes VERY inconsistent.  Think of it this way.  Imagine playing baseball, golf or any other sport that involves swinging a bat, club or racket.  Tense up as much as you can and hit the ball.  Every once in a while you will have a great shot, but all in all you are inconsistent and you will get less quality distance or shots in that manner.  Now take a fluid, quick swing and watch the results.  Distance, control and repeatability.  Plus with the muscled swing you will tire more rapidly.

Free, relaxed, fluid swing is the best by far...



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Re: Free arm swing
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2004, 09:42:10 AM »
When you compare today's PBA stars.  I really can't think of one that doesn't muscle the ball to some extent.  Even Pete Weber.... maybe Eric Forkel to some extent.  Parker Bohn maybe....but both are wrongsiders.  Think of Mika and Walter Ray they muscle to some extent as does Doug Kent whose arm swing looks very fluid.  

I think that's what T-God was making reference too.

How free is Robert Smith?



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Re: Free arm swing
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2004, 09:53:45 AM »
And how many times has Robert Smith won .... and you cant get any more free than Weber.

Not sure where you are coming from on that one.

