Here's my approach. We have a few of them who like to wait until
everyone else has finished(these guys are their teams anchors), so
they know what they will need to win the game/series. When I am
in the anchor spot, I just go for a little stroll or bathroom
break. If the offender hasn't started by the time I get back,
I'll just slide up next to him and say "after you". By then their
team is upset with me for holding things up, but I have seen
enough 6 count- gutter ball finishes from these guys I don't care.
I'll stand there all friggin nite if I have to.
I bowl with one guy who has the capablitiy of carrying a very
nice average, but wants to bowl in the 165-170 range so he has
a nice handicap for out of town tournaments. I have went to
a couple of these with him in the past, and it sucks to watch him
average 225 with all that handicap.I quit going with him, and he asked why.
I told him I didn't want to ruin my reputation, and didn't want to
be anywhere near a re-rate when he cashes good, and they call to
check his average and the house owner tells them he has been
shooting in the 165 avg. for 3-4 years but he is standing there
looking at the guys name 4-5 times on the 700 club board.
Scared him for awhile, but hardly enough. I still bowl league
with him, I don't mind taking all his card money becuase of
his unwillingness to even attempt to score well. 3 free
games of practice for me.Raff