(This is mainly pertaining to bowling one handed)
First off, are there certain balls that benefit more from a Rico drilling than others? Since Rico is intended to give a very smooth, predictable and continues motion, would earlier rolling balls be better suited for the layout? Would putting Rico on a long skid/flip ball, be counter productive? Does the Rico on early rolling balls, risk being too early, and burning up?
Just for reference, I'm thinking of Rico'ing an AMF Mega Friction. Anyone tried this yet?
Now, do any of you 2 handers have experience with the Rico layout? What kind of difference do you see, how well does it work, does it give you more forgiveness, or does there end up being not enough snap power at the pocket?
Do any 2 handers use layouts that differ from a normal 1 handed layout? I've just been using my current balls 2 handed, but I can only assume that I'm using a completely different Track, and Pap. Have you used this new track/Pap and used them to apply a new layout on a ball, and if so do you notice much difference, if any at all? Do you even need to move anything, or does the ball seem to carry somewhat the same rotation you had 1 handed?
Do the same principles apply to 2 handed when it comes to drilling. Pin up for length, down for early roll, Mass Bias positions pin-pap distance, val angles etc, or do you notice it's magnified, or you have more room to play with the extra revs, and drillings aren't even as critical as they are for 1 handed?
Instead of having different balls for certain lengths, have you tried having 2 of the same ball, same drills, but 2 separate weights. That way you can always expect the same roll, reaction and back end, but throwing 1 pound lighter allows you to get more length for the 3rd game, or whenever the lanes dry up? Switching weights on one handed can throw off your swing and timeing, but it seems a 2 hander could make the switch and it wouldn't have any effect on your swing/timing.
On the Technical side... There's been plenty of debates over the legality of 2 handed, what constitutes a 'normal' delivery vs approach etc. More importantly I'm worried about what you guys think, of using the 2 handed style on the first ball, and 1 hand for spares. I know it's currently legal, but do any of you foresee this changing in the future?
I'm also looking for footwork help. I can't seem to find a comfortable approach 2 handed. Each time I do a little something different, and end up with these little stutter steps in between. Currently it isn't having any negative effect, but I'd like to get into a repeatable process to build consistency over time. I know it's going to be different for everyone, but I'm looking for a few things to try, to maybe find a solid start point to build from. Where you start on the approach, forward/back as well as side/side, how many steps, when you pushoff/swing etc.
And finally, I'm curious if anyone has or knows of a full explanation, of top hand positions, and how they all effect the ball motion, what to expect to see with each, or how they can be applied to adjust your game?
Sorry for the Wall of Text, appreciate your time if you've made it this far.
Virtual Gravity
Twisted Fury
Black Widow Solid
WTB used: Rogue Cell
WTB used: Amf Mega Friction