Let me start off by saying i am not whining or venting, this is a serious post where i am looking for honest help and hope.
I am stuck in something i can only decscribe as a carry slump, cannot get 10 off the deck on a consistent basis no matter what i do. A combination of 3 different balls, less revs, more revs, less speed, more speed, every adjustment imaginable but i cannont get anything to work. I continue to hit the pocket and bowl the best in my life but cannot strike. I am doing some of the best spare shooting of my life which is barely keeping my 204 average.
I threw the front 11 in the pocket last night but on the 12th ball i was going for a 200, not a 300. In that game I left a 7 pin, 8 pin, 9 pin, 2 10 pins, and an 8-10 split all flush.
How do i break out of this slump as i am getting quite frustrated.
Needing help...