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Author Topic: Frustrated by a 300...  (Read 3152 times)

Willaby Rags

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Frustrated by a 300...
« on: February 24, 2006, 12:28:55 AM »
I'm not the greatest bowler by far, but I average 207 in a fairly difficult house.  I try to have good mechanics, learn all I can about the game and try to set a good example.  This week in my league a guy on the pair next to me shoots a 300.  I congratulate him, but can't help from wondering why I can't shoot 300.  This fellow's delivery includes starting from the wrong foot, and at the end of his delivery slamming his free hand on the ground to keep from completely falling over.  At least twice a night he doesn't even catch himself and falls completely on his side.  In the 10th frame the first shot was low, the second shot was high, and the last shot was completely through the nose.  He carried all of those strikes and kept going in the second game....when he finally stopped striking everybody asked what happened and he replied (and I quote) "I didn't fall down on that one".  All this and given the fact that he shows up buzzing and progresses to full drunk it just kinda chaps my cheeks....
Thank you for reading my rant...I feel better I think....



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Re: Frustrated by a 300...
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2006, 08:36:25 AM »
With today's scoring environment and equipment it just happens...

...I've seen two people with low 160 averages shoot 300 and it was amazing to watch.  It was their game and everything just went their way.  To be honest I actually enjoyed watching their games and the excitement they had.  That and the league stopped bowling to watch so it was like "the old days."
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA


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Re: Frustrated by a 300...
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2006, 08:40:46 AM »
It ain't just you.  One of the top two bowlers in this house doesn't have a sanctioned 300.  A couple of 299s and 298s, and more 279s than he can count.  He shot a 799 two weeks ago during league, left a very stone 8 pin on the last ball.  Probably half a dozen 785+ series.

As I said, he's arguably one of the two best bowlers in the house and doesn't have a 300.  And there are plenty of guys who, while fairly good in their own right, are definitely not as good as he is.  The high series for the association is an 843, shot by a guy averaging a good 20 pins lower.

I should point out that, like yours, it's not an easy house.  Maybe a dozen honor scores in the six years it's been open.

Maybe it would help to go to an easier house, shoot your 300, and get the monkey off your back.  I don't know if you've got any in practice, to know you can do it, but if not, an easy house may give you the experience throwing that 11th or 12th ball.  It might not mean as much as shooting it in a hard house, and you'll know that, but it may ease your pain.


Gene J Kanak

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Re: Frustrated by a 300...
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2006, 09:02:14 AM »

Don't feel bad. I'm averaging 220 and 213 and I still don't have a sanctioned honor score of any kind. No 298, 299 of 300, no 800, no 290 with the back 11. Meanwhile, I read score reports about guys who I routinely thrash putting up 300s or 299s. It doesn't always make sense who has one and why. The key is to do your best to not worry about what others put up. Sometimes a guy or gal just has one of those nights where everything goes right. If you're truly a superior bowler, eventually your night will come. In the meantime, just keep working on your game and do your best to be happy for others when their nights come.
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 345 : )
 I provide the muscle for the Fellowship of the Saws  


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Re: Frustrated by a 300...
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2006, 09:13:07 AM »
I don't believe one can plan, analyse, or even expect because of so and so of average,  300's are random and simply happen.  I've kinda intuitively known that I was getting close when my game was fine tuned "ON".
Nobody knows when and where, but it might just be tonight

One exception to the rule, young Mushy knows, he planned it that way!
The Bowling Ball Manufacturing Kingdom Scorecard (hint: they are all good)
Brunswick ***** (King)(Budweiser/Anheuser-Busch)[make Elite, Lane#1, MoRich]
Storm ***** (Prince)(Coors)[make Roto Grip, Dyno-Thane, Circle Athletics?(in transition  purchased by Columbia Industries)]
Columbia **** (nobleman)(Miller)[make Track, AMF]
Ebonite *** (jester)(Strohs)[make Hammer]
Visionary (no current rating)(wizard)(microbrew?)
Lanemaster (no current rating)(knight)(more microbrew?)
[Note: The end companies usually spec out their own balls]

I wear the Brunswick Crown, the Storm is brewing at my feet, my heart belongs to Roto Grip and Dyno just might be my thane!
KeglerX's Ball Arsenal Registry (includes drilling Specs) @


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Re: Frustrated by a 300...
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2006, 09:35:11 AM »
I'm 35 and have been bowling since i was 9 yrs old. I shot my first 300 2 yrs ago in Nov of 2004. As Ernie McCraken stated, stop thinking about it and trying so hard.
When i shot mine i was uspset with the way i bowled my first game (cuz i was being hard on myself with my shooting and lane adjustments).

I came out in the second game just going back to basics and making shot's. That is when it clicked for me. Had one bad shot that went a little high but carried (nerves set in), everything else was in the pocket.

This last week game #1. I leave the 8 pin in the first frame. went 11 in a row after that for a 290. Same thing in that game no pressure or over thinking myself.

Edited on 2/24/2006 10:25 AM


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Re: Frustrated by a 300...
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2006, 10:03:29 AM »
I agree with Bones. Another way to think of it is this.......
 I've had,and am sure you have had,the choice at the end of a year between High Scratch Game and High Average. Needless to say I've taken the High Average award every time.
 To me that is the mark of a consistent bowler who can score week in and week out,regardless of the conditions and your competition.
 I have no doubt your night will come and it'll probably be a combination of a 300 and an 800..............
 Lane#1--nothing else hits like 'em.

Willaby Rags

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Re: Frustrated by a 300...
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2006, 10:07:16 AM »
Thanks for all the love guys...I am happy for the guy, it was his first one!  The closest I've ever been is a 279...stone 8...Anywho, I did kinda feel better about it because he went 300,247,180 for a 727

Thanks again


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Re: Frustrated by a 300...
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2006, 10:12:22 AM »
dont kid yourself, bowling has a ton of luck in it.  A TON!

to me it's why it never really catches on as a true sport.  to much luck involved.  I know a guy that has more 300's than me and all 300's had at least 4 brooklyns.  One 300 had 8 brookies.  Nice.  In the last two seasons combined, league and tourney's, dead serious here, I have carried one brooklyn.  Yup ONE.  In probably 600 games I have carried one brokklyn and this bozo has 8 in one game??  tell me that's skill.  talk about frustrating, just ignore it anymore.
"I'd quit this game if I thought anyone would give a damn!"

"If Fishing is a Sport, well then you're looking at an athlete!"

Edited on 2/24/2006 11:33 AM


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Re: Frustrated by a 300...
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2006, 10:12:39 AM »
I have three 300 games...and they were all done when I averaged UNDER 200.  I've averaged over 200 for 5+ years now and I am apparently snake bit.  Averaged 224 last year and I only got the first nine twice.  Bowling's a fluky sport.  Like others have said...keep at it!


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Re: Frustrated by a 300...
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2006, 10:41:55 AM »
No matta how good you are a 300 and / or an 800 still requires a bit of luck. Any wise bolwer should attest to this statement. We had a 300 shot against us this year, 180 ave bowler at best, carries 12 strikes, 2 through the nose and three leftsiders. Go figure, seen several 299's shot with the last ball appearing to be a better ball than some before it, leaving 10, or 9 and one solid 7 all rightys, again go figure. Lady luck does exist and she does come into play regardless whether you believe it or not.
Stars N Strikes Pro Shop
Leading Edge Pro Shop
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Re: Frustrated by a 300...
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2006, 11:16:42 AM »
With today's scoring environment and equipment it just happens...

...I've seen two people with low 160 averages shoot 300 and it was amazing to watch. It was their game and everything just went their way. To be honest I actually enjoyed watching their games and the excitement they had. That and the league stopped bowling to watch so it was like "the old days."

Often after leagues we have these discussions.  Todays game doesnt penalize people for being plain bad, its more condusive to rewarding them.  Its frustrating, nerve racking, and sometimes insulting, but isnt that bowling?
Frodo Baggins has failed...George Bush has the ring...


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Re: Frustrated by a 300...
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2006, 11:45:06 AM »
Todays game doesnt penalize people for being plain bad, its more condusive to rewarding them.  Its frustrating, nerve racking, and sometimes insulting, but isnt that bowling?

It is.  Definitely.  Bowling centers aren't as popular as they used to be.  The fact is, most people don't want much of a challenge.  Most leagues are set up to help the "duffers" score big so they can stick their chest out.  In the house I bowl in, if you can manage to get under 10 revs on the ball you will tear some **** up.

Its about getting people to the bowling centers so you can make some cash.  AKA - survival.

I hear, over and over and over, these same bowlers try their luck at a tournament and their 200 average selves suddenly can't bust 150.  I'd like to see that some time.


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Re: Frustrated by a 300...
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2006, 12:07:17 PM »
man, when i read the starting topic of this thread, i thiught you guys were talking about me. i bowl pretty much everywher in my area, all local tournaments and so forth. here is the latest example of my luck. the house i shoot league at last night is what i consider my home house. i've bowled there for nearly 15 years. i've actually shot 2 300's there in practice. so after warmups last night i knew i had a killer shot because the area i'm playing on the lane, i'm the only one out there= straight up around 5-6 board. start out with the most solid nine bagger i feel i've ever thrown. every ball flush, every 10 pin just killed by the 6 pin. get up for my tenth, guy next to me decides to go ahead before me. he hasn't been bowling but maybe 1 1/2 years. i just made a horrible shot first ball in the tenth, pulled the crap out of it, ball goes brooklyn, leaves 5 pin. spare break conversion, strike 278. in my mind even though this jerk made me wait,(even though he was the bowler on the right, often times when a bowler is on s string you let him go first, at least i always do) i still feel like in the end i made a poor shot. plain and simple. it was my fault. i can't control what the jerk did, i can only control me. not only last night, but that was the 2nd time in this house this year i've had nine in a row! (solid 10 first ball in the 10th)! so guys i feel your pain. MY MAIN POINT: FOCUS ONLY ON WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL!)if it bothers you that someone gets breaks, don't put the negative thought in your head by watching them! focus on what you can do for yourself and NO MATTER WHAT BELEIVE YOU CAN DO IT!
your ball company sucks!
oh, and your ball club sucks even more!
DV8 Regional Staff


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Re: Frustrated by a 300...
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2006, 12:16:13 PM »
Milenko I feel for you. This is why one of my teammates quit bowling.  So all I can say is keep working at it and you will get results.  But welcome to bowling in the 21st Century.  Skill is no longer needed!!!!
