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Author Topic: Calling Bowling Subs and getting attitude  (Read 938 times)

trash heap

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Calling Bowling Subs and getting attitude
« on: September 03, 2009, 01:06:26 PM »
This is my first year as Secretary/Treasurer for a league. I have been calling subs on last years list making sure they want to be on the list for this year.

Most people have been great (both yes and no). Very Nice. But I have come across two people this year that were complete jerks. I called a young women tonight and her mother answers the phone. I ask for the young woman (mid twenties). She asks why in very rude tone. I explain that her daughter was a sub in our league last year. Then I hear her say my words to the daughter.

Daughter won't get on the phone. So I am hearing what the daughter is saying to her mother then her mother is relaying it to me. This goes back and forth a few times. Really annoying (Should have hung up on them!  ) . So by the end of the conversation I am asking if she wants to be completely removed from the list. Which she said yes.

This woman and her daughter were completely rude. Wanted to reach through the phone punch them!

Okay....feel better now.
Talkin' Trash!



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Re: Calling Bowling Subs and getting attitude
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2009, 01:09:24 AM »
Some people are disfunctional.

I got a call from what appeared to be the league manager of a center that I don't normally bowl at.  When she called I recognized her voice and said "hey, how's it going, what going on there?"  She asked me if I was bowling this fall.  I said, "you bet I am."  I'm always bowling somewhere.  She then asked where I was bowling.  I mentioned one of the centers I'm bowling at this fall.  She then just hung up on me without even bothering to ask if I'd like to bowl in a league at HER center.  I wasn't rude or anything.  She had no reason to hang up on me.  She missed a prime opportunity to recruit me.  She didn't even try!