I know exactly the feeling. A few weeks ago I shot a 773, first game was a 279 with a stone 4, the ball didn't come in high at all, it was a great pocket shot, but that stood. Next game was a 254 or something like that. Last game I knew what I needed for an 800, I could afford no more than 2 non-strikes. I had the first 5, then two solid 10's in a row, it is frustrating, because of course the guy next to me, and of course the team we were bowling, were going high and striking. To make matters worse...the guy who followed me(I am the anchor) on their team...didn't hit the head pin....got a strike...needless to say I was not a happy camper.
I find it frustrating that some people put so much into practice and improving their game that when things like this happen, it's like why bother. Joe Schmoe next to me can go high and strike, but I do everything I am suppose to, and I get screwed.
I have had a ball in my hand since I was about 2.5 or 3(those plastic bowling sets), and when I didn't have those I was improvising with cups and whatever kind of ball I could find.
Guy two weeks ago shot a 299, worst form and approach I have ever seen, 4 strikes were brooklyn, 3 were high, and 3 were light, all strikes. The 12's shot? Perfect...and he got tapped.
I feel your pain Dave
Melo is better