
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: dicnic on June 16, 2008, 11:19:29 AM

Title: Frustration Level, Bowling vs. Golf
Post by: dicnic on June 16, 2008, 11:19:29 AM
Since so many of the bowlers on are also golfers, I was wondering if those who participate in both sports can share with us:

"Which Sport is the most FRUSTRATING?"

I don't mean which is the most difficult, or challenging or such but which is most frustrating? I've seen bowlers, after a bad set, throw a ball out in the parking lot, and I have seen golfers throw their entire set into a lake.

Is there a way to measure frustration?

Which is it, bowling or golf?
Never take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
Title: Re: Frustration Level, Bowling vs. Golf
Post by: hhsbowler on June 16, 2008, 11:49:21 PM
In my opinion there is nothing more frusterating than watching your opponet beat you by throwing brooklyn strikes or by missing three miles and carrying.

Edited on 6/16/2008 11:50 PM
Title: Re: Frustration Level, Bowling vs. Golf
Post by: Pinbuster on June 17, 2008, 06:52:58 AM
To me the frustration level is higher in Bowling.

In bowling you have repeated practice a single swing sequence. I expect to be able to repeat it and to be able to hit a target. When I don’t make a good shot I know it was my failure to do so.

In golf there are hundreds of swing variations, lies, conditions. Many of which I have never practiced. Plus it is acknowledged that no one ever masters the golf swing. With those two things I’m not nearly as frustrated when I don’t pull a shot off.

Plus in golf you can generally recover and make a good score if you play a good subsequent shot.  

But in reality it is your expectation level in each sport that creates your frustration level. Low expectations, little frustration.
Title: Re: Frustration Level, Bowling vs. Golf
Post by: johns811 on June 17, 2008, 07:34:23 AM
It has to be golf by a landslide. A bad shot in golf takes for ever to find your ball if at all, in bowling it comes back to the same place on the return. Seriously a bad shot in golf can be very penalizing, a bad shot in bowling can ofter be a lucky strike (especially THS). Different clubs, distances, trying to read a green. Not much margin for error in golf IMO.
Title: Re: Frustration Level, Bowling vs. Golf
Post by: Phoneman on June 17, 2008, 07:43:23 AM
Here is one thing to think about when comparing golf to bowling.  With golf you can see what is right in front of you.  You can read the break in the green.  When you stand on the approach on a lane can you tell just by looking down the lane where the oil is?  Can you tell if it has broken down or carried down without throwing a ball?  The biggest diffrence is you cant see the oil on the lanes thus you are playing on an invisible course.  Now I find bowling a lot more frustrating.  I am a lot better bowler than golfer so that may be the reason.  It does not bother me as much when I miss a putt by a couple of inches but if I miss my mark by a couple of inches I tend to get upset with my self.
Title: Re: Frustration Level, Bowling vs. Golf
Post by: Motogp69 on June 17, 2008, 07:51:16 AM
Both, sorry I'm just really hard on myself...I always expect perfection.
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Title: Re: Frustration Level, Bowling vs. Golf
Post by: jbruno6 on June 17, 2008, 07:54:26 AM
In bowling, your opponent can miss 5 boards left and right and still hit the pocket and you have watch while controlling vomiting.  In golf, if your opponent makes a bad swing or bad contact it will not be a good shot.  That is what is great about golf, a bad swing/shot is never good, in bowling it may strike.

A half ten is not a great shot.  No, you shouldn't have carried it.
Title: Re: Frustration Level, Bowling vs. Golf
Post by: pegleg42090 on June 17, 2008, 08:01:10 AM
I'm not a golfer, but I can see why both would be very frustrating.
Title: Re: Frustration Level, Bowling vs. Golf
Post by: Phoneman on June 17, 2008, 08:05:22 AM
jbruno,  you are referring to THS.  Try missing by 5 boards on a PBA pattern and you wont hit the pocket and if you do it will not carry.  THS also gives you the same ability it gives your oponent.  Nobody can tell me they hit there mark everytime.  Trust me we all take advatage of a THS shot that gives you a bumper to bounce off of.
Title: Re: Frustration Level, Bowling vs. Golf
Post by: on June 17, 2008, 09:01:13 AM
Bowling probably, since I expect to do well consistently (even though I don't at times).
Golf is different because good shots aren't as easy to come by so my expectations are different.

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Title: Re: Frustration Level, Bowling vs. Golf
Post by: Nollster on June 17, 2008, 10:49:53 AM
I get way more frustrated while bowling than while playing golf.  While I'm much better at golf, I've come to terms with my golf mediocrity and know I'll never shoot par consistently.  If I miss a two footer, I usually laugh rather than get frustrated.  I also don't play as much golf as I used to (a few times over the summer vs. the twice-a-week leagues I used to do before the kiddies), so it's easier to deal with the bad shots.  Bowling, on the other hand, just p*sses me off!!  I know as much or more about the game than most of the people I bowl against and can help them score better with adjustments and ball changes, but I can't seem to roll the ball the same way twice in a row to save my life!!  I can play the big hook or straight, but don't seem to pick the right line on any given night.  I use plastic for my spares, but always seem to miss them just to the left or right.   Do I practice as much as I should?  Nope!  Do I want to?  At this point, Nope!!  I think I'll just sick back and enjoy exposing my boys to bowling and helping them as best I can -- just can't let them watch me bowl!!


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Title: Re: Frustration Level, Bowling vs. Golf
Post by: jbruno6 on June 17, 2008, 11:07:43 AM
jbruno,  you are referring to THS.  Try missing by 5 boards on a PBA pattern and you wont hit the pocket and if you do it will not carry.  THS also gives you the same ability it gives your oponent.  Nobody can tell me they hit there mark everytime.  Trust me we all take advatage of a THS shot that gives you a bumper to bounce off of.

I totally agree THS vs PBAX.  But I was assuming he meant frustrations during league on a THS.  And yes we all miss, but my point was:  it is more frustrating watching an opponent miss badly and strike during bowling than golf, because the golf ball struck with bad contact will always be terrible.

A half ten is not a great shot.  No, you shouldn't have carried it.
Title: Re: Frustration Level, Bowling vs. Golf
Post by: JMORRIS on June 17, 2008, 11:54:30 AM
For me, bowling is more frustrating, because I always expect to bowl good.  

When I golf, I have no expectations and just soak up the sunshine and enjoy the beauty of the course I'm hacking up.


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Title: Re: Frustration Level, Bowling vs. Golf
Post by: tenpin477 on June 17, 2008, 04:55:40 PM
I played golf today, and I must say bowling is more frustrating.

As said, I suck at golf, so I generally just go out there and enjoy myself. However you will see anger if I am playing particularly bad that day.
Title: Re: Frustration Level, Bowling vs. Golf
Post by: CRSmith on June 18, 2008, 03:35:12 PM
For me its golf. I can feel a bad shot in bowling. I usually know what to do to fix things. I don't have that feeling in golf. Bad swings feel like good ones. When I hit it good, I don't know why. Unfortunately, the same applies for bad swings.