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Author Topic: What do I need for a long sport pattern?  (Read 794 times)


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What do I need for a long sport pattern?
« on: April 13, 2009, 11:10:30 PM »
I need a ball for a long sport oil pattern but I do not know which direction to go. Pin down? Aggressive? Something that rolls at my toes? I'm considering drilling maybe a Rogue Cell.

I throw it 16mph with 350+ rpms.

Thanks for the help!



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Re: What do I need for a long sport pattern?
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2009, 07:29:20 AM »
For long patterns you want either something that will read the lane early and arc a lot, or if you are pretty accurate, go for something strong on the back end and look for a lot of movement down lane... either way you will be playing from deep, staying tight, and you dont really want to get too far right... a handy rule of thumb is "the length of the pattern minus 31", and thats the board your ball should be on at the break point.. so a 44ft pattern you should be at board 13 at the break point to get the best angle to the pocket... get to this board, then use whatever ball gets your ball to the pins from there...

Hope this helps

Edited on 4/14/2009 7:30 AM


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Re: What do I need for a long sport pattern?
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2009, 07:32:11 AM »
an ebonite complete NV or a striking motion would be a good idea.

I would say put the pin down to just above the fingers (not far above though) to get an arc and it will transition earlier because the mass bias is closer to the VAL and maybe instead of putting the pin up have an X-hole to increase flare and get the ball to roll earlier.

i'm not sure about pin lengths it depends how you want to play it but the best thing to do would be to slow your ball down a bit aswell so the ball doesn't skid past your breakpoint

Edited on 4/14/2009 7:32 AM


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Re: What do I need for a long sport pattern?
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2009, 12:54:29 PM »
for the fresh if you have some hand i recommend something pearly but aggressive that responds to friction REALLY FAST, and take it to like 2000. thats gonna give you angle in the back, then switch to something earlier as they break down. that works for me usually.
Im so glad people are brainwashed to think that TRACK sucks. And its even funnier when im carrying with my TRACK ball and they're going flat ten with their OTHER BRANDS ball.


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Re: What do I need for a long sport pattern?
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2009, 01:06:13 PM »
for the fresh if you have some hand i recommend something pearly but aggressive that responds to friction REALLY FAST, and take it to like 2000. thats gonna give you angle in the back, then switch to something earlier as they break down. that works for me usually.
Im so glad people are brainwashed to think that TRACK sucks. And its even funnier when im carrying with my TRACK ball and they're going flat ten with their OTHER BRANDS ball.

+1.   I agree totally here.  Pearl works well for me, especially when you try to keep your breakpoint close to center.  As they break down, you can either move more right or go early, arc-like pearl.
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