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Author Topic: If you were going to throw urethane.....  (Read 5447 times)


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If you were going to throw urethane.....
« on: September 17, 2018, 01:50:05 PM »
 would you go with a new, “modern” urethane, or would you prefer an older, original urethane?

 Reason I ask is, over the long haul I tend to score better/more consistently with urethane.

 That, and I already own a lower games, fully plugged, original blue Hammer, and an original blue Nitro that needs the thumb fixed.

 Saw a video where Bill O’Neill claims that the new Black Hammer is only slightly stronger than the original blue.

 Really like my black quantum, so was looking at the True Motion to get a slightly stronger core than a Hammer.

 I’ve tried some of the “urethane like” choices, but most of them really acted less like real urethane, and more like resin, than they were supposed to, at least to me.

 Lots of choices out there right now, so what you guys think?
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Re: If you were going to throw urethane.....
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2018, 05:49:27 PM »
Just in case anyone is interested finally got to throw the 16lb Scorcher NPT in the dry house I usually throw my urethane.  Just for comparison sakes I brought my also 16lb Faball Blue Hammer and took a maroon scotch brite to both before hand.  The NPT is definitely cleaner up front than the Blue Hammer but it really doesn't hook more overall (but definitely more in the backend) and maybe even a tad less overall with my style.  Have to be honest and say I actually preferred the Blue Hammer early in the session as it could really bite better into the oil with its early motion (reason why its a legend) but as my line started drying up the NPT really started to shine.  By the third game or so the Blue Hammer was starting to over hook and would have required adjustments but I could camp out with the NPT around the track no problem.  Carry wise very similar but with the NPT leaving less splits especially late in the session.  The NPT also seemed to be a little better at reading the pattern and giving a little more miss room later on as well.  Its definitely not a dud imo but will be condition specific unless you have a ton of hand.  Might try throwing it next week on more normal volume house shot and see but guessing its going to be close to a spare ball with my style.  Wish I could have gotten it in 15lb back in the day.  Overall a great ball for dry but not so much for oil first impressions.  Maybe it will surprise me but can fairly confidently say you will not have to worry about this ball jerking left on flying backends.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2018, 06:34:06 PM by BowlingForDonuts »
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Re: If you were going to throw urethane.....
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2018, 07:01:52 AM »
It depends on the surface you are bowling on.  The new urethane pieces are stronger than the old ones but not by much.  You can throw a Burgundy Hammer and a Pitch Black on the same shot, you just need to get the surfaces correct.  The only exception I found was the Hot Cell as it is a LOT stronger, but it's still urethane, and its still going to give you the same carry issues that all urethanes do.

If you have an old ball, clean it up, sand it down, and give it a shot.  The old ones roll good .. I can still score with my old Black Angle.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2018, 07:04:00 AM by BeerLeague »


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Re: If you were going to throw urethane.....
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2018, 07:15:10 AM »
I think less depends on old versus new, but more on matching strength to one's style and conditions they bowl on.  Whichever ball allows you the best carry while still keeping your angles direct will be the best option.

Balls like the Hot Cell and such (really strong) are great for some bowlers, but if you have to go inside/out with urethane, you will have a rough time.

There seems to be enough variation in the strength of urethane on the market where one can get a benchmark urethane and then go from there; much like bowlers do with resin.  Based on how that benchmark ball reacts you can go stronger or weaker from there.

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Re: If you were going to throw urethane.....
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2018, 08:15:58 AM »
I have a solid urethane (Booyah) and resin/urethane mix (Shadow Ops) available to me, and while I can go a little left to right with the solid, I can't do much. Haven't thrown my Shadow yet, but it does look like older urethane with a high flare drilling.

That being said, I wouldn't mind something like an After Dark with a pearl urethane cover on it, just to be able to stand right in the dirt.


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Re: If you were going to throw urethane.....
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2018, 02:06:53 PM »
I dont think there is a lot of difference between the shells on the older and new urethane.   Biggest difference is new cores which can impact the shape .  Also when urethane dominated we were playing on 30 ft or shorter patterns.  Much different environment back then


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Re: If you were going to throw urethane.....
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2018, 02:26:59 PM »
I now own several of the newer Urethanes:
1) Red Cell
2) Black Hammer (solid)
3) Purple Hammer (pearl)
4) Blue Hammer (strange blend) 
Except for higher friction short patterns, with my 300 RPM rev rate, I find that most of the above balls have little value relative to resin. I'll always bring a Urethane for fresh short patterns where resin can be too strong, but otherwise, these balls tend to be fools gold. Old or new, the conclusion is still the same. 
Now, for the guys who can tear the cover off the ball, it's a different story......


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Re: If you were going to throw urethane.....
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2018, 03:07:04 PM »
Maybe wait to see what the Magenta Urethane is on the approved list for Hammer now


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Re: If you were going to throw urethane.....
« Reply #23 on: October 10, 2018, 07:10:50 PM »
Hated the Hot Cell probably due to my higher rev rate and low tilt but the Hammer Purple Pearl is really good. I practice with urethane a lot to sharpen my game though I rarely need to use it in tournaments.
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Re: If you were going to throw urethane.....
« Reply #24 on: October 10, 2018, 07:55:48 PM »
Hated the Hot Cell probably due to my higher rev rate and low tilt but the Hammer Purple Pearl is really good. I practice with urethane a lot to sharpen my game though I rarely need to use it in tournaments.

I agree on the Purple. If I kept only one of my Urethanes, it would be the Purple. From my personal experience and observation, it's the most versatile of currently available urethanes.