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Author Topic: stupid drama  (Read 3418 times)


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stupid drama
« on: November 18, 2008, 01:34:31 AM »
I have a question that doesn't have to do with bowling directly, but involves my teammate.  

Scenerio, teammate texts me if I wanna join him for bowling Sunday morning, my gf is sitting next to me and I ask her if she would want to join, (she doesn't bowl and has a physical limitation/disability), she asked me if she could try as well.  I text back asking if he would mind if she came.  His response

"I don't care.. Bring a shovel to clean her off the approach when her leg gives out..."  

She and him have maybe said 5 words to eachother ever, but know of eachother.  I took personal offense to this and declined going bowling the next morning.  We bowl together tomorrow night and I definitely feel animosity towards him.   He and I are 2 of the top 3 bowlers in the house.  I will also see him this Friday and was thinking of pulling him aside and just talk to him then and explain how he disrespected me by making such a "wreckless joke."  In general he doesn't have tact and tries to make poor jokes, but I feel this crossed a line.

any advice on how to handle the situation.  Thanks in advance.



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Re: stupid drama
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2008, 04:53:45 PM »
Welcome to "Time to act like an adult."

On Wednesday when you see this person, take him off to the side somewhere and tell him, "Look, I decided not to come on Sunday because of the joke you made about ____________ (insert girlfriend's name).  I was angry at the time and didn't feel like I could confront you reasonably about it then.  I just want to let you know that joking about someone's physical limitations, especially when they have no control over them, is pretty low and not what I expect from a genuinely decent person like yourself.  You see where I'm coming from?"

He should respond apologetically.  Anything else should be given serious consideration as to whether you want to continue friendship or acquaintance with this person.


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