Will say that I'm not big on using only one from each company because it becomes hard to compare one ball to the next in getting your arsenal the way you want it from top to bottom. Still there are ways around that. As a big Brunswick fan this is my choice
Hammer Jigsaw
Brunswick Wicked Siege
Revolution Speed Master (Brunswick Activator plus pearl cover)
Morich Complete Annihilation Revival (Brunswick PK18 pearl cover)
Hammer Jigsaw will be for the heavy oil patterns to medium heavy.
Wicked Siege is such a versatile ball for me that it covers medium heavy down to lighter oil very well)
Revolution Speed Master is great on medium or less and always good when the lanes are just playing funny.
Morich C.A.R. works perfect on medium or less as well depending on the layout.
I always use whatever strike ball I'm throwing for spares.
If using all from one manufacture I would go with the following
Alpha Max
Wicked Siege
Diamondback Pearl
Be good, or be good at it.