
General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Brunswick Kid on November 25, 2004, 06:21:03 AM

Title: Funniest/Strangest/Weirdest looking cores?
Post by: Brunswick Kid on November 25, 2004, 06:21:03 AM
I just thought this would be fun to discuss.
--Detour Kid
Title: Re: Funniest/Strangest/Weirdest looking cores?
Post by: a_ak57 on November 25, 2004, 02:23:48 PM
i'll put in a vote for MoRich's new Vanguard core.
Justin G. Pyle
AIM: Sir Bowlsalott
Yahoo: JustinGPyle
I have a lot of balls.

I'll second that.

- Andy
Title: Re: Funniest/Strangest/Weirdest looking cores?
Post by: thfonz98 on November 25, 2004, 02:23:59 PM
whiskey bottles...not abc legal i believe also
"Joey . . . have you ever seen a grown man naked?"-Captain Clarence Oveur

Edited on 11/25/2004 3:24 PM
Title: Re: Funniest/Strangest/Weirdest looking cores?
Post by: Brunswick Kid on November 25, 2004, 02:25:52 PM
Where do you go to see the Vanguard core?
--Detour Kid
Title: Re: Funniest/Strangest/Weirdest looking cores?
Post by: a_ak57 on November 25, 2004, 02:28:17 PM
DKid, go here.

- Andy
Title: Re: Funniest/Strangest/Weirdest looking cores?
Post by: Brunswick Kid on November 25, 2004, 02:29:16 PM
OOOOOOOoooohhhh it's the same as the WMB core... and sure, it looks weird.
--Detour Kid
Title: Re: Funniest/Strangest/Weirdest looking cores?
Post by: a_ak57 on November 25, 2004, 02:32:39 PM
OOOOOOOoooohhhh it's the same as the WMB core... and sure, it looks weird.
--Detour Kid

Yes, it IS the wmb's core.  There is technically no such thing as a "WMB core", it is called the vanguard core.

- Andy
Title: Re: Funniest/Strangest/Weirdest looking cores?
Post by: Brunswick Kid on November 25, 2004, 02:34:24 PM
Oh.. lol... 'cause I thought Vanguard was a ball .
--Detour Kid
Title: Re: Funniest/Strangest/Weirdest looking cores?
Post by: Maelstrom on November 25, 2004, 03:14:56 PM
Alright I got 2:

1. That new Scalien core is pretty wierd, becuase it looks messed up and how is it scalien?!?!

2. That recharge core is damn funny, becuase in storms ad for it, they say its a "modified traffic core"..................




HA! SEE I TOLD YOU STORM DIDNT MAKE NEW CORE, IT WAS AN OLD OVERSEAS CORE, LIKE THE NEO TRAFFIC!!!!! AND THEY THINK I DON'T GO TO THERE HI SPORTS WEBSITE!!!!! (I really can't get enough of this fact if you have already noticed...)
"Contemplate the reason you exist..."

Formerly Maelstrom44, Maelstrom X, Maelstrom Zero, Maelstrom Axiom, Maelstrom Flux, Maelstrom Psi, Enigma, and Muon Ejector.

Edited on 11/25/2004 4:14 PM

Edited on 11/25/2004 7:07 PM