I have a question for the upper crust bowlers that read these forums. What are your thoughts on targeting the break point over arrows, etc? Reason I'm asking is this. On tough shots I tend to be able to throw the ball in the hole but I can't carry. I'm guessing because with trying to make the ball "fit" I'm not loose. Last year at Nationals I started to play with the idea of targeting the 43' break indicators rather than the arrows. I don't actually target the arrows either but about 5 feet beyond. I find it keeps me from setting it short. Anyway, I found it allowed me to make a much more loose or relaxed shot while also allowing some aggresiveness. What I decided to do was since I had three nights left, including last night before we head to Reno was to target the 43' break just to get really comfortable throwing at it. I felt like I threw well and was either right over the top or easily within a board to either side on all but a handful of shots. I know it isn't the same as a flatter pattern but one thing you do get on a house shot, especially playing deep, is you are in the middle puddle a lot longer than normal so the ball will squirt as well if you goose it. But the end result I'm trying to get here of being comfortable and relaxed targeting that dark indicator should only help on tougher pattern? The guys I bowl with noticed that the ball was much more consistant at the arrows than I normally am and asked what I was doing. I didn't have the handfull of misses in or out that I normally would during a league session that makes you kind of say WHOOPS!! Pretty much pegged 4th arrow all night. Thanks.