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Author Topic: Saw a coach today.  (Read 686 times)


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Saw a coach today.
« on: November 01, 2008, 06:50:57 AM »

You know, sometimes it's the things that are just staring you in the face that you miss.  

A little history before I get to my "light bulb" moment.  I started bowling when I was 8 or so, I'm 33 now.  I literally had a bowling center in my back yard so that place was like my after school babysitter.  Back then I always used a 2 handed style, later I graduated to 1 handed thumbless.  I was content with the inconsistency of the style because I never got serious about putting up big scores.  The short swing and high speed of that style is what lead to my recent problems.

Move to now...  

I got on a league for the first time ever this winter season.  I started late so this week will be my 5th week in.  I decided that I needed to get my own gear so I bought a 14 pound Cherry Vibe and had it drilled up with all 3 holes, expecting to only use the thumb for straight shot spares like I always have done.  

After a couple weeks of the high/lows of thumbless and actually having to pay attention to my scores I decided to learn to use my thumb.  As expected, I had all kinds of problems but I read up on the internet and gained as much "book" knowledge as I could and applied it as much as I could.  It wasn't enough though, I was still gripping the ball and throwing it all over the lane.  At least once a game I would toss the ball straight in the gutter about 15 feet out.  At least I knew I was consistent with that little mistake once a game.

I finally got fed up with it and asked the gal working at the center I bowl at if she knew of any coaches in the area.  I haven't had any luck finding one lately but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.  She had me come in today and meet up with the coach for a youth league that bowls in the morning.  

Taking the information from my bowling style I had before and the fact that I'm 6'5", he spotted my problem on the first throw.  I was only taking 3 steps.  That made me force the ball through my swing and have absolutely nothing resembling repeatable timing.  I would grip the ball and do all kinds of messy shots because of that too.  He moved me back about a foot on the approach and we added in that extra step and there it was.  The light bulb.  

He went over a couple other things like lining up for spares and positioning myself for them and that was it.  I had a whole new game that I could be consistent with.  

I just wanted to post this up to maybe get others to ask for help if they need it.  I talked with the people that work at the center and they said noone really coaches adults around here because too many people have the egos and won't ask for help.  I figure if I can do it, being the big, confident (been a bouncer in a tough bar for 12 years), person that I am, that anyone can get over their ego and ask for help and get results.


Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: Saw a coach today.
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2008, 03:08:38 PM »
that's half the battle right there my friend.  next step, practice what you learned, over and over, and over!
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!


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Re: Saw a coach today.
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2008, 10:34:10 AM »

You are on the right track with a coach. A good coach can spot things in five minutes that will take you a long time to figure out by yourself. You don't need to many coaches because all it will do is confuse you more. Stay with a good qualified coach. There is also several good bowling books out there that will help your game. If you have access to a video camera you can actually see for your self what you need some work on. Good luck to you on your road to being a better bowler.
