I have toyed with the idea of giving it all up, but planned to just cut back to 2 leagues and see what happens. I thought I was bowling Mondays & Wednesdays.
Monday is a sport league and they thought they had 20 teams, one of them I was on. A week ago Monday it started. I was the only one on my team to show up. Phone calls are made and it turns out one of the bowlers "forgot" his current Monday league didn't end until November

The other bowler is his friend and decides he is not bowling. So I am left with 2 blinds. To complicate things two other bowlers on 2 different teams become no shows and one no one can find a valid phone number for one. Another bowler decides to quit so we are short 5 bowlers.
I get my daughter to bowl last week. They take the other solo bowler and fill the team that has the bowler no one can get a hold of. My daughter's job prevents her from making the 36 week commitment, even with my paying the spot. They also made it very clear they are not going to carry a blind team the whole season. So despite being in the league 5 years, it is looking like I am squeezed out. The only opening is with 2 very low average bowlers and we would not be competitive in any way and at $30/week I would be insane to take the spot. I have already put out $210 (3 weeks for my daughter and 4 for me)plus sport upgrade.
Wednesday I have a team, but I'm not sure how many weeks I can go before I kill one of my teammates. One just never stops talking, mainly whining about how every shot he tosses should be a strike and he was ripped off. The other likes to talk down to me like I am an idiot, then complain behind my back about my bowling. The final bowler is a notorious sandbagger. I may make it through the season, but it is going to be the longest 36 week week league I have bowled.
So if I am not around much, not that I post ridiculously often, it is because either:
1) I am not bowling
2) I did kill one of my teammates
3) I had to be put in an institution due to fighting the urge to choke the crap out of one of my teammates
Be well & Bowl Well!
USBC Bronze Coach "I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
Quaker 10/93 - 4/07
Quaker Edited on 9/21/2008 1:44 AM