Last night ballreviews member Mike Marchak and I were out practicing. After an few hours I was losing focus a bit so I suggested that we bowl a game using only our thumbs, no fingers. Rules were the fingers can go over the finger holes but cannot go in them.
Mike proceeds to go Flush, Flush, Flush, Flush, Flush, Trip 4, Trip 4, Saw Rack, Flush, Saw Rack, Flush, Flush for 300. Props.
Anyone who knows Mike will agree that the guy has tons of talent. But how sad is it that with todays house shots and the technology of bowling balls that someone can string 12 strikes together with NO FINGERS!! His rev rate was probably in the low 200's, high 100's.
Last comment, he was throwing a Storm Dimension and playing up the track.
Two Hands are better than one!!