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Author Topic: Future of AMF  (Read 9022 times)


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Future of AMF
« on: January 28, 2014, 03:05:20 PM »
What do you think the future holds for AMF bowling centers?

Here in our town we have two AMF bowling centers.  Both now don't open until 5pm except for Sat. and Sun. One has an early morning league each week day but won't allow open bowling during that time even though they have plenty of empty lanes.  The other house has a women's morning league two days a week and, if you are there during those times, you can rent lanes until the league is finished.  Sat. and Sun. the places are full of little kids and it's not a good time for any kind of serious practice.   

Is it like this at your AMF alley?  Do you think there will be any changes in the future?



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Re: Future of AMF
« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2014, 06:27:43 PM »
I would hope somebody with enough money to build a place like that has more sense than to put it there.  Destine to fail from the start.

I agree. The only saving grace for the neighbourhood homes is that it would be across the street from a fire station, and the police department is 2 blocks up the street.

Other than that, at least for me, distance would be advantageous, but on the other side of that coin, as Ice T once said, "There goes the neighbourhood!".

EDIT: I take that back. I have the location wrong. It would not be going by Sunrise/White Rock, which is good for that set of homes there.

Instead it would be behind the Home Depot on Sunrise, putting the exact location of this at the intersection of Kilgore Road and Trade Center Drive...

next door to the Rancho Cordova Police Department.

More info on it here:

I personally don't think leagues would fly here; they want movie theaters, a video arcade, and only 24 lanes. Local/small leagues may work, but not repeat bowlers with big paying leagues. Not enough lanes, plus dealing with the kids who want to hang out before their movie starts, plus the high school crowd.

EDIT #2: Too bad King Louie isn't around anymore.. they would have done a hell of a lot better with AMF than Bowlmor has, or ever would.

« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 12:00:54 AM by bradl »


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Re: Future of AMF
« Reply #32 on: January 30, 2014, 07:10:47 AM »
That article is a year and a half old.  The city council approved it June 2012.  If they haven't moved any dirt yet don't hold your breath waiting. 

This location isn't any better.  Actually worse, being closer to the "old" section of R.C.

The only location a place like this had a chance is newer center in Folsom with the movie theaters.  But I would hope the investors took a look at places like the two Strikes centers and realized the area just doesn't have the demographics to support bowling centers that need to charge $6 or $7 a game to make a go of it. 


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Re: Future of AMF
« Reply #33 on: January 30, 2014, 02:15:47 PM »
That article is a year and a half old.  The city council approved it June 2012.  If they haven't moved any dirt yet don't hold your breath waiting. 

This location isn't any better.  Actually worse, being closer to the "old" section of R.C.

The only location a place like this had a chance is newer center in Folsom with the movie theaters.  But I would hope the investors took a look at places like the two Strikes centers and realized the area just doesn't have the demographics to support bowling centers that need to charge $6 or $7 a game to make a go of it.

I totally agree. I was just wrong on where I thought the location would be. And for them to put one out at the Palladio in Folsom first would kill Lake Bowl, and second would be external to the complex there, because it is nearly filled. The only place they could build it is across the street behind the main complex, putting it next to the hospital. Ugh. But as far as an 'entertainment center' goes, they already have those theaters there.. all they would be missing would be a video arcade or something to keep the kiddies happy. The place is a bit too hipster to want that, though it could use an Apple Store.

But you're right; the demographics for this really suck.