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Author Topic: galactic bowling practice  (Read 567 times)


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galactic bowling practice
« on: July 30, 2004, 05:54:12 AM »
Didn't intend on having a lights out, glow in the dark practice session when I went into my winter league house for practice this evening, and for the first 3 games I had a lights on shot. Granted the edge was flooded and the inside bone dry, a more pronounced reverse block than in the fall, but I was able to get by with playing a speed down and in shot up the 8 board for 226 and 197 games before having to move deeper in and swing with less hand from 20-12 and back...

When the lights went out, I decided to take all of my equipment and play the deep inside shot- laying down the ball at 30 and swinging out to 13-14. It's not my A game or B game, but I found that with the drier inside as long as I did the drop and drag shot, it held pocket well.

What does everyone else do when an owner goes from regular open play to galactic open bowl because there's a kid's birthday party that paid for the lights out bowling- but everyone else did not? I dealt with it and got my money's worth for the practice session...
