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games teams play while bowling
« on: February 02, 2011, 12:07:49 PM »
some play cards or do brackets. our team started a game we call "thats a dollar"

everybody puts in five dollars to start. each game pays off at least five dollars and high series pays ten. highest pins over average wins. if nobody is over the pot is carried over to the next game or the next week. then  if you get hung you add a dollar. anything less than a nine count add a dollar. pick up a spilt everbody else on the team adds a dollar. don't pay your dollar by the end of the frame add a extra dollar.

most games the payoff is about seven or eight dollars. the high was twentyseven (lot of spilts picked up)

nobody wins or loses alot of money. it's all about bragging rights. and it gives a lower average bowler a chance to win some money off of the big boys. but even the other teams watch to see whos adding dollars. when somebody owes people other teams start hollering "that's a dollar" our whole team has raised our averages since we started this.

anybody else that has games they play please add. if all about keeping it fun


Jesse James

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Re: games teams play while bowling
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2011, 12:36:50 PM »
We do something similar, but with quarters. Everyone posts a quarter for the frame. The person who strikes, wins the money. If multiple people strike, then you post more quarters until only one person strikes in the frame, and that person will win the whole collection of quarters. The only people who continue to post quarters are the ones who continue to strike.

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Re: games teams play while bowling
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2011, 05:49:52 PM »
My team pays a dollar for high game every game and two for high series. We also play a game called The Five. Everyone puts in five dollars at the beginning of the night (5 man team). The first person to strike gets "the five". But the goal is to have it at the end of the game, where you have to strike on the first ball in the tenth to win the five dollars. If the first person doesn't strike the first frame, the next person to strike picks it up. And as long as that person keeps striking, he keeps the five. So it usually passes around the team once or twice, unless someone is lighting it up. Last night had the front 9 and carried the five the entire game, then choked in the tenth to lose it. It's cheap and fun. If no one wins, it moves on to the next game. 

Pennsylvania State University


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Re: games teams play while bowling
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2011, 07:12:26 AM »
we play 1 buck a piece high game  all 3 games and then just regular cards 1 buck a game strike=1 card so dose spare string 2 or more and you get 2 cards hold 7 play 5,one wild card no jokers..i like cuase its not complicated and it drives ya to mark/strike etc....


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